Saavat is a brilliantly engaging film. Built as a thriller, it ultimately transcends the genre. Saurabh Sinha is a sure-handed director with an eye for minute details. His cinematographer fills the frame with many local details that imparts the film a rare scenic quality. Like horror films, thrillers are a genre that make stars not so necessary, but Sinha has a great empathy for performance. He peoples his cast with some superb actors. Smita Tambe is pitch-perfect as the lead investigator. Shwetambari Ghute also shines. But the film's triumph is Shitanshu Sharad, whose sheer presence alights the screen. The debutante's body language and his range of emotions seems to be that of a mature, well-oiled actor and is worth beholding.
The thrill is relentless, the frames are taut, and the story slick. The film isn't just about subsequent killings, but something more. It evokes the feeling of a noir. A neat and clever film.