Jeff wants a romantic evening at home, but his wife Julie wins out, and the couple wander the streets on a quest to help a struggling homeless neighbor when their encounter takes an unexpected turn.
When Julie and her overly dramatic co-worker Marla come upon a homeless woman with some seriously outdated signage, they decide it's time for a rebranding - but no one realized just how difficult marketing on the streets really is.
When Julie's friend Gena schools her in the technique of "butting in," Julie decides to practice on some teenagers who've got the facts all wrong - but they aren't exactly receptive to her advice.
When Jeff and Julie come across a teenager who looks to be in trouble, Jeff takes the reins and steps in for some guy talk. But if he ever thought of himself as older and wiser, he'd better take another look.
At Gena's insistence, Julie visits a psychologist for some support for her "helping problem." The only problem is, Dr. Helfmann, School Psychologist, needs some support too.
Jeff's friend is struggling with depression, so the pair decides to call a suicide hotline for some ideas. But the voice on the other end of the line isn't well-trained in the art of compassion.
Jeff meets up with an old friend who's fallen on hard times, so Julie convinces him they can take on a houseguest. But when they discover that Lizzie's problems are more than they bargained for, it takes a bigger toll than expected.
When Julie and co-worker Marla take it upon themselves to solve their boss's addiction problem with a trip to AA, they find out some uncomfortable truths about what the "12 steps" are all about.
When Jeff comes to therapy with Julie, he finds out more about Dr. Helfmann than he bargained for. But will the two of them get any closer to a solution for Julie's "helping problem" - or for the problems of the world around them?