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look at this in a diffrent view
hilltimothy-6332526 October 2018
I 100% understand what people mean by the main character is OP, yes he is, but you need to look at this in a different way. its not about how the main character struggles at winning the fights, its more about how the main character lives life in the world he is in. so instead of people looking at it as a story with a main character that is op and will win at everything, see it this way, HE IS TRAPPED IN A DIFFERENT WORLD, AND HE IS TRYING TO EXIT IT... sorry went mega gnar for a second
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Light hearted harem fun
amuru-8110510 May 2021
A computer programmer is mysteriously transported into a game-like world where he learns first hand what it's like to live in the world he and his colleagues have created.

Hence, he arrives with potential for greatness and uses his powers in a kind, heart-warming fashion; defending the helpless, protecting the weak and yes; rescuing pretty damsels in distress. Very soon; he ends up with a retinue of emancipated slaves, demi-humans, reincarnated Japanese prepubescent little girls and clones! Talk about a teenager's.oversexed sensual fantasy come true! But just one minute; the master rebuffs all advancements by an over-enthusiastic Lolicon and remains chaste in favour of a; wait for it; female soldier!!

I was most impressed by Liza, an emancipated slave who is loyal, smart and brilliant at martial arts. She is also taciturn and is the mother-figure for the two demi-human girls Pochi and Tama. Now that is one sexy lady; instead of the dolt of a love interest that is our lady soldier, Zena!

Still, enjoy people, this series for its light-hearted fun; just leave behind too much cognition and enjoy!
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A Barely Mediocre Isekai
broden-r-speer17 September 2019
The Isekai genre may have its most frustratingly mundane anime yet. This lighthearted story revolves around a super strong male protagonist living in a MMORPG type world with an envious amount of female admirers. An inspired concept!

Unoriginality aside, I am addicted to these exact settings in anime. But unlike the others in the genre, such as "Rising of the Shield Hero", "How Not to Summon a Demon Lord", "Wise Man's Grandchild" and even "SAO", the overpowered character does practically nothing with his level 200+, unlimited skill points and "Watch Dogs" type surveillance powers in a world where a Demon Lord is only level 70. He doesn't even use his holy swords. Yes! Plural!

Although his double digit amount of female companions don't know the true extent of his power, it's not a plot point. In fact, I don't think this has a plot. He doesn't try to search for evil enemies, doesn't go on quests, doesn't try to get back to Japan, doesn't even do merchant stuff although claiming 5 times an episode he's a merchant. I guess a positive from that is they don't have any plot holes...

Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. Much like One Punch Man this story follows more of the day to day lives of the characters and their friendships. The major difference is that this show has minimal anticipation, mediocre pay offs and the main character basically pretends to be a nobody.
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Enjoyable and slightly different Isekai
dameon_green14 May 2020
The core of the show centers around a "OP" protagonist trying to understand the world he's in and maybe get home (no shock) but the difference in this case is how he handles it.

Overall he's avoiding making major waves, careful in most instances to hide what & how powerful he is and when cornered underplays his part giving others credit. Again not reinventing the wheel but handled fairly well.

The majority of the show seems to center around how the protagonist is handling his interactions and individual relationships and mostly subtle attempts to try and change the world views / prejudice of those in the same world.

Although it's technically in the Harem category and does give some "Fan Service" in a few instances the reason for the women following him make sense. It's a feudal world and a "man" (he's roughly 15 in appearance) who's not treating those under him horrifically (power wise, servants and spaces) and treating women as equals is unusual and would be a draw logically. The few "Fan Service" moments aside he's going out of his way to avoid inappropriate interactions / allowing his female companions to make sexual advances and instead is making a safe environment for them.

Add in some moments where the character struggles with some real concerns (before he's lost in the enjoyment of the new experience) and it's an above average anime. However it won't appeal to all due to the lack of action in every episode, the focus on relationship building etc.

Genre's are Fantasy, Isekai and Harem
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Could have been made better
akarunkumar-4861329 July 2021
Why the isakai characters are acting so polite and kind. It's not cool, more like dumb. This guy reaches the top level at the first episode, still fights like a noob.
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dylanshowe5 May 2019
From the fantastic soundtrack, to the character relationships, it is beyond anything I expected. Masterful show, similar to ReZero, but very different. Just give it a try.
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Just the right story
stevenisking30 May 2018
What can i say about this just that its an amazing anime with such a cool story i love stories like this.

PS. if you like this go watch no game no life another amazing story like this
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Been there done that, a monotonous watch
mayank098763 June 2019
The series got one of the most common plots in anime, getting stuck or transported into a online style game and not able to log out. However this time around the MC starts as an overpowering god like character, along the way he forms a harem, has some adventures and the anime end midway of the ongoing journey.

So while the show borrows ideas from other anime, I am still a sucker for the genre. Problem for me was the pacing, just too slow with nothing much happening. Tons of time is spent in solving straight forward problems, the way the MC plods along is frustrating. It is easily one of the dullest things I have watched.

The animation itself was on the better side, everything looked good.
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Hope that they make another season.
jackreaper23 September 2018
I hope that the producer keeps making another seasons of this anime show because it is one of the best. P.S. You you like this you should also watch.. Overlord
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Average because well average
HawkAussie15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Incoming long review

Story: The story is another transported into another world type with the victim being game programmer Suzuki Ichirou. This is because of him falling asleep after a long work session on the game that his team is working on. After getting transported, he wipes a powerful lizard army using one of his meteors, which shoots him up around three hundred or so levels (If only it was that easy to level up in games). Now he has to hide those levels while trying to live.

This is another, of these shows that we are now so accused too, with the MC going to another world because of something in the real world. This wasn't like an instant go to another world sort of thing like some shows. This was because it took about half an episode for that to occur. During that time, we do see the struggle of where he worked to try and remove all those bugs before the public plays. This I felt was a good start to the series as it wasn't like going from the real world to the fantasy world in a time where you can go to the toilet and they would be in a different place.

From there, we see Suzuki trying to understand the world while trying to avoid telling other people that he is OP from the get go and no one questions it at all during this show which is worrying when you meet up with the rest of the characters that we get to see that I will talk later.

Art/Game: For me, this wasn't anything special as this was produced by Silver Link which also produced Mitsubishi Colours for this winter 2018 season. You might have noticed that I also put in the game in here as this is the RPG game comes in. The first problem here is the initial attacks that were given to the MC was completely overpowered which led to the destruction of the lizard army which had much higher levels than Suzuki and as I noted down in my notes, when did grenades become meteors attacks which would create those high levels.

This might be because of my inexperience in RPG games, but in a short amount of time, he shouldn't be getting that many titles to his name that as you usually grind until you get those titles that you actually deserve because of that. For the MC, that would be too easy to grind through. Much like using secret passages for advancing up the tree in Episode 8 to get to the elves that are on top. All in all, this did feel very blah for me.

OP/ED: This is going to be short and in my personal opinion, it's one of those yeah I listen but won't do that every single episode. The ED for this show for me is a better choice than the OP but neither did sell this show to me.

Characters: Ah, yes now it's for the characters of this show. To start with, we have Suzuki who like other people trapped in these worlds, is younger than when he was in our world and this doesn't bother me too much. What did bother me was the fact that they overdid his inside thoughts how he was going to do his next move. I don't mind thoughts here and there. But when it starts to feel like the same information that is trying to be forced to go to the audience, that is where the problem lies.

The rest of the characters doesn't help out the show in progressing forward. The only character, that is at least giving a go being Liza who actually does something to improve her stance of trying to improve her skills but even she seems to fall flat in some parts.

Enjoyment: After finishing Death March, this is a show that you need to a double think if you want to binge or not. I say this as it doesn't feel like a weekly show that I had to go through. This isn't a train wreck like some from this season, but its also not one of the best for the winter season of 2018.
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Excellent, waiting for next season
Prince_bhardwaj2630 September 2021
I don't understand why people are giving such less rating I think it has a great story and animation is also very good. I can't understand what people expect from isekai harem anime which was not in here. It was just how I like to see. If you want to see deep anime with complicated story then you shouldn't expect it from it. It is pretty entertaining anime with op mc. I think it deserves next season for sure.
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Really Good!
suryatatan2 December 2020
When I first started to watch this anime, I didn't expect much because it had IMDB rating 6.6. But When I started watching I really liked this anime. The idea of programmer going into game is pretty common in isekai animes. But this anime is kind of different because it has less fight sequences and emphasizes more on the life of the MC in the parallel world. If you want to watch a lighthearted isekai anime with some fight scenes then this anime is for you.
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Every other world trop ever
lumocity31 August 2018
The main character has no personality whatsoever and is clearly a marry sue the story is just plan lame how can there be any tension in fight scenes if the main character is all powerful if your looking to watch an other world anime watch something else this is hot garbage
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Just what I needed
carlos-0371618 June 2022
I love these types of anime. The character progresses nicely with a good many likeable characters around him. I have watched this series at least three times and enjoyed it every time. While such things may not be for everyone... I like them. Please make another series!
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colinbrackenridge19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The protagonist is taken into an MMORPG type world and right at the start becomes a lvl 310 in a world where a lvl 30 is a powerful being. This concept could make an amazing anime where the main character fights entire army's, or insane enemies all in attempts to reach his goal. However, there is no goal, there is hardly any fights and the few it has are insanely underwhelming. He tells no one about his insane power and wealth, living his life as a nobody which makes it irritating to watch knowing how powerful he really is, yet seeing him do nothing with his power. He rellies on his female companions to help quite often despite his clear ability to take care of it himself. It's as if he puts effort into making himself as useless as possible despite essentially being a god. The show just needs more action, he needs to start fighting powerful enemies, he needs to stop getting his friends to do the fighting and he needs to stop being such a useless guy. Don't watch this anime I can recommend far better isekai such as rising of the shield hero, wise man's grandchild, kono suba, re zero. And if you want an anime with an OP main character, then one punch man is the best. He is an over powered guy who actually uses his insane strength even if it isn't recognised.
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This really is a great isekai
jennahobbs5 May 2022
I love that the harem of girls actually has some more variety than usual. Plus, the different way in which the mc entered the world was neat. However, that Zena girl drove me absolutely crazy. If they every do come out with a season 2, they need to leave her boring predictable *ss completely out of it. Marry her off to someone and disappear her forever, please.
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GREAT show, HORRIBLE ending!
tesswysko3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the premise of the show, it kind of reminded me of SAO, but when you realize that the premise of the show Ms a computer game programmer who got sucked into a (dream? Game? Other world?) and be hopes to find a one and only true love, and in the end, it just STOPS, it's so disappointing! Almost every episode is just fluff as far as actual storyline goes, he just travels around fixing other people's problems! After the 2nd episode, there isn't any talk about him going home, in fact he doesn't even take the little elf girl home, which takes up about the last 6 episodes or so, & he's traveling around with this group of girls, including an 11 year old pervert (who may or may not be from the real world,) while leaving the one girl he's MAYBE interested in seriously- he's clueless, until a letter he sends, he doesn't even act like he's really interested, in fact, he treats the "slave" girls better, and it's really dumb to surround yourself with girls like THAT it you are interested, because they're going to ruin your chances with the girl you like, especially how clingy they are! So in the middle of their trip, the show just STOPS! Does he get the elf girl home? Did her kingdom get taken over? What does he do with all of his slave girls ( better marry or apprentice them off!)? Does he EVER go back to the mage girl? Does this merchant EVER sell anything, or will he just keep blowing money on these girls until HE becomes a slave (see the rules in episode 1)? What's happening to his body in the real world? Can he take his girl back to the RW with him? There's a storybook in the last episode that MAYBE answers some of these questions, but it's half-@$$ed, and is not a sure thing.

So, if you're looking for a show that has a dozen interesting episodes, go for it, but if you want a show that makes SENSE, I'd recommend avoiding this one!
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Don't watch, if you like this show. STAY AWAY FROM SCHOOLS
lewischasen20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So it's about a game designer in his 30s. He falls asleep and wakes up as a 15 year old in a world that's a combination of the games he made and becomes op. It starts off okay saves a female guard who goes head over heels delusional for him. By ep 5 it takes a down turn. Saved, bathed (cheeks included) and taught child slaves *good?*. Then buys two other child slaves *okay?*...two child slaves strip and offer their bodies to him *WAIT WHAT?* He declines but one of the child slaves (11) tried to bed in him and charm him with magic against his will *HOLY HELL!*, then after he breaks the spell in the nick of time forbids her using magic. Magic girl makes claim on him cause she's reincarnated from Japan. Other girls are similar (reg harem trope). After that cringe it dies down and moves on to saving a elf princess (also not a teen yet) from a lich who only kidnaps her to get killed. While going through tree labyrinth he kisses several child dryads to progress cause they need mana *THAT DOESNT MAKE IT OKAY!!*. After the lich dies gains hero title and takes control of the female humunculi which he grops several times later. The season ends after they save a witches pact from being voided by crooked government people on the way to take elf princess back home..on the whole its on the line of enchi with kids. Giving the 30 year old a 15 year old body doesn't make it better! This show was boring and disgusting. Now I need to go wash the shame away.
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