So bad I'm seriously considering cancelling my Apple subscriptions.
Apple has obviously decided that it needs content, apparently any content will do, and I'm not sure I wanted to hand over my hard earned cash for such an attitude.
Hang on, we don't need to employ actors and we can sell it as innovative? Well to be fair worked on me.........
However you quickly realize that it's not just actors they don't need, they don't need to create a complete story, no character arc, no explanation for the random nonsense they throw our way, they can literally make anything up, not even attempting to satisfy the viewer.
The Sorpranos ended many years ago and this "make up your own ending" is getting seriously old, but coupled with never ending random events that the writers conjured up in 15 mins whilst drunk in a bar, just leaves you with a feeling that your time was robbed, that precious commodity stolen and all in the name of Apple making a quick, cheap and easy buck at our expense.