But at an amateur level for sure. because this feels like a blimp of a final exam for the local film and acting academy on a block somewhere in L,A, USA. its a comedy scifi drama film about, i guess, every male or to some degree female dream of making a functionable sexdoll robot. in the case here its two teenagers, boys, one tech nerd and one aspiring actor and casanova. the nerd has the idea, and the other makes plans for the development. meanwhile in MAHATMASTAN somewhere in the middle east the royal family, with children scaling from 1 to 10 on the beautyscale have a meeting. in the end the ugly duckling who wants to be an actor, but whos denied that due to his ugly appearences ,anesthezises his family , grabs a suitcase of money ,grabs his private secretary, and sets of to L.A. to become an actor. the destiny of the story is that he comes to the same art school as the forementioned teenager, and thats the start of the conglomerative story of making the sexdollrobot.
middle eastern men ,known for its sex drive and harems takes the real spin of the ground and with buckets of money the dream comes through.
but remember this is a very amateuristicly made flick, the sound and film quality are near zero of a scale to 10, the acting are extremely lame with 2 or 3 exceptions, and the story and plot are hidious and oblivious in its appearence, the editing and direction do have a 1920's silent era management, its saved by a hilariouseness fantasy of the idea and the score do function and gives the film some guts.
i hung on till the bitter end mostly because of the idea, ive got millions of critical comments on my note pad, but ill not mention them cause im nothing more than a layman myself, just say that its not for the feinschmaecker of silverscreen haute coiture. its a very small recommend, especially for the young youtubers around the world. it has a few laughs and hilarious funny moments. a weak 3 from the grumpy old man