This wild, offbeat spy spoof follows a team of three female agents recruited to use their unique skills to prevent World War III. Krista, the spiritual leader with mystical powers extraordinaire, Gina, the over-enthusiastic newlywed Kung Fu master and Nola, the under-experienced newbie with a knack for falling down. Together, they fight and love their way across the world leaving a trail of broken hearts, foiled schemes and shameless plugs for previous BBG films...featuring the music of BBG (with BBG parodying themselves as clueless TV hosts).
Great to be able to watch a wacky slapstick film without the 18+ jokes so the entire family can have a god time. Watch these 'spies' try to decipher clues and hunt for the prize. A throwback to the classic comedies of the 40's when it didn't have to follow only had to be funny! And this film is! Enjoy!