Pride - USA. Tinkering with creation by plastic surgery and preservation of youth by clone-a-willy in Los Angeles. Indulge in perverse sin by attendig a pride rally, as a drag queen in Las Vegas.
Gluttony - Norway. Schau Overindulge and over-consume food and alcohol, Lives a whole day as Elvis Presley and party with the rich, bratty leaders of tomorrow.
Envy - Sweden. Trying to envy regular people by living as a homeless person in Stockholm. A visit into a millionaire's lifestyle, acting as an adult baby not held responsible for own actions. And lastly, hiring a "life coach".
Lust - Thailand. On a mission to commit the sin of lust. Schau tries to sell himself as a Prostitute, Getting horny in a chastity-belt and an attempt to continuously masturbate once, each hour of the day for 24 hours straight.
Sloth - Denmark. Being lazy. Getting in-shape without exercising, Avoiding helping others: "ADHD Babysitting" Not taking responsibility for your own choices, by following options that are decided by a roll of the dice.
Wrath - Israel. The guys and their antics travel to Jerusalem, Gaza and Tel Aviv. Exploring the sin of wrath through 3 different challenges, one including the circumcision of Kristopher Schau.