Characters repeatedly give coordinates in tenths or hundredths degrees. But that's not nearly precise enough to be useful. One tenth of a degree (e.g.: 16.4°N) identifies about 11 km (almost 7 miles); one hundredth is over a kilometer (around seven tenths of a mile).
Characters are shown analyzing intelligence as radio waves (EMINT - emissions intelligence), satellite & other imagery (IMage INTelligence), voice (COMmunications INTelligence), etc. and then communicating their analyses by voice to superiors. But this raw intelligence is actually transmitted digitally in real-time for analysis in many secure locations, and analyses are shared digitally also.
Characters are shown analyzing globally-relevant intelligence in a "war room" environment as a small group of low-level employees at an isolated communication center. But intelligence of this significance is analyzed by much higher-level government agencies at major military & political locations. The communication center merely relays information between satellites and secure networks on the ground - its workers have no access to the data.
Characters are shown leaving their stations randomly during their work shifts. Since intelligence collection and analysis happens 24/7, no station would ever be left unattended.