89 reviews
- michaz-22974
- Feb 24, 2020
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Can't say I expected a lot, but definitely a little more than I got. "Radioflash" is a tale of a young teenage girl and her challenges and adventures after an EMP kills power for more than 200 million people - it's a tale of many familiar themes, cliche characters, a familiar take on everything featuered. In other words, "Radioflash" falls short of everything but acting.
The first 5 minutes of "Radioflash" are the best its got - mildly intriguing, good looking, good sounding, maybe even the only original-ish thing in this flick. After that we jump into the 90 minutes of something that feels like a lamer recreation of many other known and better movies, and, in retrospect, those first 5 minutes provided only a very vague point in relation to the rest of the movie. So we start watching Reese's and her father Chris's journey to the girls grandpa through the now apocalyptic land & the many troubles and poeple they encounter along the way. Practically every plot device, every theme, the characters, even the technicalities (atmosphere building, painfully cliche cinematic sentimentalism, etc.) feel generic & very familiar, which results in a high predictability factor. We go from every apocalypse-starting movie ever to any rural survival thriller ever, to a "Wrong Turn" type of story without the disfigurations and any horror elements. One thing that didn't underwhelm me was the acting, both our main heroine and the supporting cast did their best, or so I feel. What truly grinds my gears is the cinematography, the fact that even the technical aspects are generic-feeling. Don't get me wrong, it looks good, it's just... so very routine.
Yes, that's how "Radioflash" felt for the most part - routine. I'm pretty sure it's going to find a slightly better reactions from the more average movie goers, but all the while trying to look for and enjoy qualities of "Radioflash", I struggled not to be bored. Boredom is the worst thing any movie can offer. My rating: 4/10.
The first 5 minutes of "Radioflash" are the best its got - mildly intriguing, good looking, good sounding, maybe even the only original-ish thing in this flick. After that we jump into the 90 minutes of something that feels like a lamer recreation of many other known and better movies, and, in retrospect, those first 5 minutes provided only a very vague point in relation to the rest of the movie. So we start watching Reese's and her father Chris's journey to the girls grandpa through the now apocalyptic land & the many troubles and poeple they encounter along the way. Practically every plot device, every theme, the characters, even the technicalities (atmosphere building, painfully cliche cinematic sentimentalism, etc.) feel generic & very familiar, which results in a high predictability factor. We go from every apocalypse-starting movie ever to any rural survival thriller ever, to a "Wrong Turn" type of story without the disfigurations and any horror elements. One thing that didn't underwhelm me was the acting, both our main heroine and the supporting cast did their best, or so I feel. What truly grinds my gears is the cinematography, the fact that even the technical aspects are generic-feeling. Don't get me wrong, it looks good, it's just... so very routine.
Yes, that's how "Radioflash" felt for the most part - routine. I'm pretty sure it's going to find a slightly better reactions from the more average movie goers, but all the while trying to look for and enjoy qualities of "Radioflash", I struggled not to be bored. Boredom is the worst thing any movie can offer. My rating: 4/10.
- TwistedContent
- Nov 14, 2019
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We're all completely consumed by our devices (in my case, I'm on my phone),, what if all of the sudden the stopped working (no power!!!).
Well,, that's how this one starts. From there it's a treacherous journey of a teenage girl and her father, trying to get from civilization in chaos to her grandfather in the mountains.
Like I said,, it's worth watching. So go watch it!!!
Like I said,, it's worth watching. So go watch it!!!
- reddiemurf81
- Apr 1, 2020
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Omitting all of the scientific fallacies here (such as a silicon-based iPad and other things working after an EMP), this film just fails to keep the viewer's attention with any action. If a teenage girl running through the forest for 90 minutes is your thing, then enjoy.
What is unbearable, is the script. The script reads like a person who can in fact read what an EMP is, but is incapable of understanding exactly what it really means.
At first I thought the script was going for a style over substance cyberpunk-ish vibe, then everything she opened her mouth on something it made me realize, nope, they just have no clue at all about technology. or science.
The cinematography is pretty good for the budget, at least I am assuming a low budget. Either way, it is nice to look at, nothing ground breaking, but solid sci-fi blue/orange thing that generally works well.
Some of the acting is actually decent, again for the budget of the film. But not much to go on in the script.
But yea, technology wise, the author is a bit of a hack...
At first I thought the script was going for a style over substance cyberpunk-ish vibe, then everything she opened her mouth on something it made me realize, nope, they just have no clue at all about technology. or science.
The cinematography is pretty good for the budget, at least I am assuming a low budget. Either way, it is nice to look at, nothing ground breaking, but solid sci-fi blue/orange thing that generally works well.
Some of the acting is actually decent, again for the budget of the film. But not much to go on in the script.
But yea, technology wise, the author is a bit of a hack...
- FishBibble
- Feb 21, 2020
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As i read down the bad reviews more than half of them are stating things that didn't happen or they missed.
No wonder you think the movie is bad if you miss major parts.
Anyways the movie wasn't great nor was it bad.
Anyways the movie wasn't great nor was it bad.
- natcalgary
- Feb 26, 2020
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Nice cinematography and editing and better acting than expected.
However, that is where the compliments stop.
There was so much wrong with this film that made me wish the movie would end already, including obvious mistakes with facts about what an EMP would actually do/destroy, holes in the story, continuity, and strange randomness. All of which stemmed from a terrible script.
It had no build up, no climax and the ending was weird. The movie didn't really have a story line or a purpose. It just left me wondering... Nothing.
- zoe_renee21
- Nov 30, 2019
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Radioflash is one of those movies that starts promising but in the end it won't be remembered at all. In the beginning I was intrigued by the story, thought I would rate it with an eight as the cinematography wasn't bad at all and the acting was decent as well. Then the story got a bit sloppy but I was still wondering where they would go to with it, my scoring went from an eight stars rating to a seven, but by the end it just failed completely, the story got really nowhere and it felt like they were too lazy to write something decent. Instead it became a bit ridiculous so a six stars rating is more than generous. Too bad because it had potential in the beginning. I still enjoyed watching it though, mostly because of the good cinematography, but it clearly could and should have been much better.
- deloudelouvain
- Sep 3, 2020
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- alsobillanderson
- May 10, 2020
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Radioflash is a post emp story, where the stockers and hoarders and preppers will survive, till the normal times will return. because its a survival story, much like the genre's highway, but its has some bends and turns that made it interresting for a grumpy old man too
its a small cast movie, but they really make a good job. you can litterally feel the cold in their bonemarrow, while searching and seeking refuge and safety. the location seekers have really done an over the top job, and the filmatographic result are just a marvel by itself. when checking site locations, i know the names and places, due to a close follow up on u.s. wildfires on the internet for some years now. the scenic views are worth the price of the admission ticket, so watch it, its great.
storywise and how the story is plotted could have been better, though the storyline are pretty straight forward, and easy to follow, it has those small comatose moments . there are for the hitech nerds even more to pick on for sure, but we acclaim the survival of the fittest, dont we.
there are a bit violent moments of anarchy throughout the flick, but at a level that it viewable from 7 and up. so lets grump together for radioflash, a recommend.
its a small cast movie, but they really make a good job. you can litterally feel the cold in their bonemarrow, while searching and seeking refuge and safety. the location seekers have really done an over the top job, and the filmatographic result are just a marvel by itself. when checking site locations, i know the names and places, due to a close follow up on u.s. wildfires on the internet for some years now. the scenic views are worth the price of the admission ticket, so watch it, its great.
storywise and how the story is plotted could have been better, though the storyline are pretty straight forward, and easy to follow, it has those small comatose moments . there are for the hitech nerds even more to pick on for sure, but we acclaim the survival of the fittest, dont we.
there are a bit violent moments of anarchy throughout the flick, but at a level that it viewable from 7 and up. so lets grump together for radioflash, a recommend.
Dominic Monaghan ... as a father. I have to admit when I first saw him with the main character, I thought they were love interests. But the movie is not build that way. Generally speaking really good cast. A bit of apocalyptic flavor thrown in for good measure - and some road movie cliches to keep you on your toes.
Not a bad movie at all, but not one that will excite many either I reckon. Some intersting twists and turns, that I think most can tell and see coming - if they actually think about it. I personally just watched it and went with the flow.
Not a bad movie at all, but not one that will excite many either I reckon. Some intersting twists and turns, that I think most can tell and see coming - if they actually think about it. I personally just watched it and went with the flow.
There is no plot. A girl runs through the woods encountering an assortment of Deliverance rejects on her way to her grandfather's cabin. What's the point? Stories like this usually have our hero trekking to a promised land. There's no promised land here. Just grandpa's cabin. Even if she makes it the pair will surely be quickly overcome by more of the same psychopaths she encountered on the way. Good luck with that.
Four stars for the occasional decent performance from actors given nothing to work with.
Four stars for the occasional decent performance from actors given nothing to work with.
- bitbucketchip
- Aug 25, 2021
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Had potential but bad over cliche characters and acting ,probably good for young adults who haven't watch many movies
- timesniffer
- Nov 16, 2019
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It's like they started with a different script then ran out of time, daylight, money, good weather. I REALLY would have liked to have seen the original in that case.
As it is, too many weird things that don't make sense.
- penrosevans
- Oct 7, 2020
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I thought it would be crap based on the comments here, but I actually liked it. I stopped for a while and got up to cook dinner but pretty soon I wanted to finish watching it, -- that hasn't been the case for a lot of movies I see recently on amazon or netflix. The majority of the movies on those are duds. I watched it for free on putlocker. It kept me interested. I did fast forward through some of the more predictable parts, and the last quarter of the movie was sort of stupid with the hillbilly family, but the ending wasn't predictable, and I thought overall it was an interesting foray into the potential events after a EMP.
- victronix01-180-707110
- Nov 16, 2019
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This was just so lacking and boring and so many holes. Nothing imaginative or exciting at all. I FF through most of it. It's seriously like a disney or kids version of an apocalyptic film. I guess if I went into it with that in mind it would have lived up to its expectations. Otherwise it's a pass and a bit of a waste of a decent cast.
- borninthewrongcentury
- Feb 27, 2020
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Very slow moving movie, but I enjoyed it. Good acting. I usually find teenagers in movies slightly obnoxious and self-centered , so it was refreshing to see calm, level headed and respectful youth depicted here, contrary to one review I read about "teenagers running through the woods screaming", I saw none of that.
- darren-53-771923
- Aug 26, 2020
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A young girl starts his journey to her grandfathers' house with her father after a blackout due to power down. During their journey they face various difficult situations sometimes it costs to live too ! It is an emotional thriller. End is expected. Lots of thrills and tension, but between parts seems trailing somewhere. Acting by leading lady is good and perfect. Old lady and his son in jungle is terrifying characters and that situation looks realistic. All over movie is full of thriller and realism. Watchable at once.
- saptesh786
- May 27, 2020
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A large portion of this movie is set in the Yak valley of Northwest Montana of which I am very familiar with being born and raised in Montana. Having the whacko family look like they stepped right out of Deliverance is insulting beyond belief.
- lovethesun
- Sep 10, 2020
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