I asked my friends what documentaries they had seen most recently. My friend Hank told me about this one about Livingston Taylor, American singer-songwriter and folk musician. Livingston has been a faculty member at Berklee College of Music since 1989.
I already love Livingston's music, so I was down for it, then Hank said, "There are things Liv says that remind me of the attitude that you have about things, Sasha. I think you will like this if you ever have time." I was skeptical but intrigued, and sure enough. I related to Livingston a lot at the core and enjoyed getting to learn about his unique, passionate, authentic, loving, and creative being and basically just soak him in.
The students that were highlighted in the film are all extremely talented. I was also struck by the tonal similarity of all of the brilliant Taylor clan. I thoroughly enjoyed this film!
Award-winning documentarian Tracey Anarella shows Livingston as the amazing renaissance man that he is. I recommend this movie for the man and the music.