Echoes of the Fey is an ongoing series of detective visual novels set in a world of high fantasy. In the realm of Oraz, Leshin (elvish) folk can wield magic naturally, while Humans use machines to bend it to their will. This difference led to a thirty-year war between the two races, and now they have called a tentative truce. Meanwhile, Sofya Rykov becomes the first Human woman who can fully wield magic. While working as a private detective, she must keep her abilities a secret or risk igniting tensions between Humans and Leshin. But along with her magical talents, Sofya also has a knack for getting herself into trouble. In "The Fox's Trail", Sofya is hired to track down a missing Leshin with connections to the Human resistance during the occupation. Investigate how you prefer, with over 100 choice points throughout the story. Some will improve your relationship with the characters and nurture romance. Others will provide you critical information. And some will change the fate of the people you will come to know.