The live Broadway show is based on a series of skits previously made by Mulaney and Kroll. The characters are from a skit called "Too Much Tuna" that appeared in Kroll Show (2013) on Comedy Central. They have also appeared in online videos and on the Comedy Bang-Bang podcast.
The credits include a comprehensive list of the "Too Much Tuna" guests who graced the stage of the Lyceum during the show's Broadway run, including Steve Martin and otherwise uncredited guest star Matthew Broderick.
Filmed over two nights in January 2017 at the Lyceum Theater.
The credits list 126 special guests who appeared onstage during the run as part of George and Gil's talk show "Too Much Tuna." Alan Alda is listed twice.
After Gil says that he and George will rest "in real time for, like, two minutes," it actually does take exactly two minutes before they get back up again and resume the play.