Art imitating life: The United States has a long history of religious and militia stand off between extremist members and government forces. The fictitious Project at Eden's Gate and its charismatic leader, Joseph Seed mirrors that of Branch Davidians, FLDS church and Warren Jeffs, Cliven and Ammon Bundy. In 1996, a Patriotic Christian militia known as the Montana Freemen attempted to break away from the state's local government and laws and govern themselves only to be halted by the FBI a few months later.
In the prologue, where you have to arrest The Father, a secret ending can be unlocked if you wait long enough without arresting him. The game will automatically finish after you spare The Father instead of arresting him.
This is the first Far Cry game to be set in America. It takes place in Montana.
With the new character creation system, this is the first Far Cry game to allow users to play as a female protagonist.
The farm site with the Crop Circles and mutilated cows is Bradbury Farm, named after science fiction writer Ray Bradbury.