1 review
'IT' started thousand years ago; by degrees, 'IT' has generated and today 'IT' has become a rare immedicable disease. 'IT' is nothing but the 'division' in our caste system, 'division' in our culture, 'division' in every aspect of our society, 'division' in our workplace and finally 'IT' has triumphed over our mindset also. "Scaredy Cat" is an outstanding display of this chronic disease. In this award-winning film the director Sumit Singh exposes to view how the system of segregation has engulfed in our workplace.
The story begins with Tom who lives in a society where people are divided into two classes, dominant totalitarian cats, and subservient mice. Telemarketer Tom belongs to the subservient mice group. Domination and unethical supremacy of cat belonged people have ruined Tom's world, especially in his office. Bit by bit the hatred and fear towards the cat belonged people becomes a phobia for him. Tom starts doing absurd, ridiculous and groundless behavior to his friends and colleagues. But nothing could overcome his fears to the cats. At last, Tom takes an extreme step to becoming free from this system.
No society or nation has been immune to discrimination, either as victim or victimizer. The more extreme forms of discriminatory practices include genocide, slavery, legislated discrimination, discriminatory immigration laws, and disenfranchisement. The world we live in has been struggling with this sensitive subject for years and it produces immense effects in the psychological, social, political, and economic domains. Whether intended or not, the effects are compounded by the loss of self-worth, a sense of alienation from the wider society, political disempowerment, and economic inequalities. Prejudice and ethnic hostilities constitute a major danger to peace both within a nation and among nations.
It is a very bold step to select such an arguable issue and in this case director, Sumit Singh undoubtedly passed with a distinction. The performances throughout the film are gripping, particularly the main character gives very convincing portrayals of the grief and fear in his character go through – one wonders what director might have put his cast through to get such fantastic acting. Screenplay and sound quality are absolutely perfect. Discrimination and segregation. "Scaredy Cat" is not just a film, it is a silent protest against cast and segregation system of the society, it is not a flawless movie, but it is definitely a moving and riveting movie experience which remains in the mind for a long time.
Arindam Bhunia/Cult Critic/CICFF
The story begins with Tom who lives in a society where people are divided into two classes, dominant totalitarian cats, and subservient mice. Telemarketer Tom belongs to the subservient mice group. Domination and unethical supremacy of cat belonged people have ruined Tom's world, especially in his office. Bit by bit the hatred and fear towards the cat belonged people becomes a phobia for him. Tom starts doing absurd, ridiculous and groundless behavior to his friends and colleagues. But nothing could overcome his fears to the cats. At last, Tom takes an extreme step to becoming free from this system.
No society or nation has been immune to discrimination, either as victim or victimizer. The more extreme forms of discriminatory practices include genocide, slavery, legislated discrimination, discriminatory immigration laws, and disenfranchisement. The world we live in has been struggling with this sensitive subject for years and it produces immense effects in the psychological, social, political, and economic domains. Whether intended or not, the effects are compounded by the loss of self-worth, a sense of alienation from the wider society, political disempowerment, and economic inequalities. Prejudice and ethnic hostilities constitute a major danger to peace both within a nation and among nations.
It is a very bold step to select such an arguable issue and in this case director, Sumit Singh undoubtedly passed with a distinction. The performances throughout the film are gripping, particularly the main character gives very convincing portrayals of the grief and fear in his character go through – one wonders what director might have put his cast through to get such fantastic acting. Screenplay and sound quality are absolutely perfect. Discrimination and segregation. "Scaredy Cat" is not just a film, it is a silent protest against cast and segregation system of the society, it is not a flawless movie, but it is definitely a moving and riveting movie experience which remains in the mind for a long time.
Arindam Bhunia/Cult Critic/CICFF