If you could spend one more night with your ex, would you? Would you want a chance to reconnect? A chance to tell them off? A chance to fix things? A chance to propose?
Yes, in one early episode of this new show, the guy apologizes for past transgressions then proposes. This is the kind of curve ball that this show seems to specialize in.
In another episode, the guy sweats about revealing a secret to his ex-girlfriend only to be blindsided by a surprising counter-punch she was saving for him.
As multiple cameras film these reunions for a day and night period, the participants can reveal some surprises. But why would they choose to do it on television? Maybe that's a stupid question to ask these days, as reality TV has become a ubiquitous presence in our society. If you can believe the "Jerry Springer Show", you can believe anything.
"A Night" does not offer people ripping each other's clothes off and taking swings at each other (yet), but it is another glimpse into the psyches of everyday people. And some revelations and stunners. And some hit-and-run confessions.
This is a modest show that certainly rivals YouTube videos for interesting subjects. Perhaps that is enough.