Three friends...One love story...and a betrayal. Kapat revolves around 3 close friends - Gayatri, Kunal and Siddhant. The love story between Kunal and Gayatri. However life turns upside down... Read allThree friends...One love story...and a betrayal. Kapat revolves around 3 close friends - Gayatri, Kunal and Siddhant. The love story between Kunal and Gayatri. However life turns upside down for all them when Kunal meets with a fatal accident. What's the mystery behind this accid... Read allThree friends...One love story...and a betrayal. Kapat revolves around 3 close friends - Gayatri, Kunal and Siddhant. The love story between Kunal and Gayatri. However life turns upside down for all them when Kunal meets with a fatal accident. What's the mystery behind this accident and how does Gayatri cope up with this tragedy? Siddhant ensures to be a true friend b... Read all