This series had the New Warriors be formed in the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War (2016). In the comics, the New Warriors started off the Civil War event when they accidentally killed 612 people in Stamford Connecticut - including their own members other than Speedball.
By August 2016, Marvel Television had developed a series centered on the New Warriors and began offering it to cable networks and streaming outlets. In April 2017, New Warriors received a series order from Freeform, with Biegel joining as showrunner and writing the first script. By that November, Freeform was no longer airing the series, and it was being shopped around.
This series was set to be a comedy, in contrast to most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe features (and also to how the New Warriors have been in the comics after the Civil War).
In June 2018, Jeph Loeb said Marvel was still looking for a network to air the series.