The Mohawk village was built from scratch by the Outlander art department.
Jocasta says, 'Perhaps I will make that journey, someday'. The journey from River Run to Fraser's Ridge is a little less than 200 miles, which takes roughly 10 days by horse and, more likely for Jocasta, 20 days by wagon.
The make-up department had to work overtime to cover midge bites on the actors for the scenes in the Mohawk village. Insect bites were a hazard of filming by a lake in the summertime.
The actors paddled their own canoes as drones filmed from overhead.
Jocasta says that whiskey is hard to come by in the Americas. This would change. George Washington, who appears as a character in this series, would become one of the greatest whiskey distillers in the hemisphere. In 1799 alone he produced 11,000 gallons, which was an enormous amount at the time.