When Gaogao-san or Dr. Roarson has everybody including Shimajiro, Flappie or Torippii, Mimi-Lynne, Nikki get in the in the Giant Digging Bug Machine, they tunnel under the earth very quickly getting them too close to the center of the Earth.
In real life however, it would actually take many days to tunnel the Earth as dirt is heavy and The Digging Bug machine would break down before it actually have a chance to dig underground, it would've been impossible for them to travel in one day to arrive in the middle of the desert. Also it would've been faster for them to fly the tunneling bug to the desert.
In real life however, it would actually take many days to tunnel the Earth as dirt is heavy and The Digging Bug machine would break down before it actually have a chance to dig underground, it would've been impossible for them to travel in one day to arrive in the middle of the desert. Also it would've been faster for them to fly the tunneling bug to the desert.
After the Giant Old Dung Beetle rolls the giant poop into the Oasis, water shoots up in the air and it rains and the flowers grow up instantly and then a rainbow appears in the sky.
In real life however, it would take many days for flowers to bloom in the desert and they would need a heavy thunderstorm for it to rain and get water for the flowers as this is a dry desert. Also the rainbow needs constant rain and the sunlight for it to shine in the sky.
In real life however, it would take many days for flowers to bloom in the desert and they would need a heavy thunderstorm for it to rain and get water for the flowers as this is a dry desert. Also the rainbow needs constant rain and the sunlight for it to shine in the sky.
When Gaogao-san or Dr. Roarson has Shimajiro, Flappie or Torippii, Mimi-Lynne, and Nikki get in the Giant Digging Bug Machine, they tunnel under the earth, but later on Dr. Roarson causes the machine to shed and it turns into a helicopter that Flew Shimajiro and his friends home. Why didn't Dr. Roarson just fly Shimajiro to the Desert which would've saved him time.