RELEASED IN 2017 and directed by David Batty, "Martin Luther: An Idea That Changed the World" (aka "A Return to Grace: Luther's Life and Legacy") is a documentary/biography about the influential Protestant reformer of early 16th century Europe.
The most important points of Luther's life are reenacted with Padraic Delany in the title role. Any words ascribed to Luther are those of which he actually said or wrote. In between and during these segments are the insightful commentaries of roughly two dozen scholars of varied theologies (including a Catholic Cardinal). The producers picked a nicely diversified group of theologians and historians, each interesting in his/her unique manner.
It's all here: The absurdity of the Roman Church selling indulgences in Germany & elsewhere to fund St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City; Luther's Ninety-five Theses (debate points) that he (probably) nailed to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517; his taking advantage of the printing press, a new technology; His excommunication by Pope Leo X and subsequent condemnation by Emperor Charles V in 1520-21 after refusing to renounce his writings; his emphasis on sola Scriptura ("by Scripture alone"); his exile to the security of the Wartburg Castle at Eisenach; his simple revelation about God's grace of salvation coming through faith in Christ alone so that no one may boast; his German translation of the New Testament in a mere eleven weeks in 1522 so that the common people could read God's Word; The tragic Peasant's War where approximately 100,000 "commoners" lost their lives; his marriage to ex-Nun Katharina von Bora in 1525 and subsequent family; his attempts to organize the Protestants; his manual in 1529 for pastors & teachers, the Large Catechism, as well as the abridged Small Catechism for general believers; his initial kindness toward Jews in 1523 contrasted by his teachings two decades later; how the wicked (Hitler) and the righteous (Martin Luther King Sr. and Jr.) used Luther's iconic status and words to fuel their ideologies.
Too often biographies either overly applaud the individual or attack him/her. Yet this documentary does an admirable job addressing Luther's impact, his strengths, his weaknesses and failings, all with honesty, balance and deference.
THE MOVIE RUNS 2 hours. WRITER: Mike Trinklein.