"Life in a Year" is a Drama - Romance movie in which we watch a 17-year-old boy falling in love with the girl of his dreams. He later finds out that her life will end soon and he tries to live with her an entire life in just one year. They face many difficulties through their journey.
I have to admit that I did not have high expectations from this movie and I was not disappointed by it. The plot was simple and boring, without any suspense or plot twists that would made it at least interesting. It also reminded a bad copy of the movies "A Walk to Remember" of 2002 and "The Fault in Our Stars" of 2014. The interpretations of both Jaden Smith who played as Daryn and Cara Delevingne who played as Isabelle were below average and I believe that they both did not reach their potential. The interpretation of Cuba Gooding Jr. who played as Xavier was good but not enough to save this movie. Finally, I have to say that I read some reviews about it after watching it and I observed something strange. A lot of reviews with rating 10/10 were from users with only one review (Life in a Year) and registration on November or December 2020.