The Enlightened One
"The Enlightened One" is an adventure-thriller-dark comedy mini-series in 4-parts about the main character, Lennox, a rebellious and complex special agent under mind-control programming. He ... Read all"The Enlightened One" is an adventure-thriller-dark comedy mini-series in 4-parts about the main character, Lennox, a rebellious and complex special agent under mind-control programming. He is working for a top-elite secret order. Lennox is born into a prominent noble family. He ... Read all"The Enlightened One" is an adventure-thriller-dark comedy mini-series in 4-parts about the main character, Lennox, a rebellious and complex special agent under mind-control programming. He is working for a top-elite secret order. Lennox is born into a prominent noble family. He is the misfit son of a controlling and abusive Count and a flamboyant and self-serving Cou... Read all