56 reviews
Fun facts from this documentary:
A well-made, informative, important and eye-opening documentary that covers it all: burning rainforests, animal agriculture, microplastics in our ocean, extreme weather events, food shortages, and how we are currently in the sixth mass extinction event. Makes some very strong arguments that we should all be working towards plant based diets as soon as possible.
- Nestlé said in a 2009 report that the world will run out of fresh water by 2050.
- An estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year.
- By 2030 only 10% of all forests will remain.
- Since 1970 we have wiped out over 60% of animal populations on the planet.
- Over 26,000 species are currently being threatened with extinction.
- By 2045 the species loss will be so great the Earth will suffer ecological collapse.
- Over 75% of antibiotics produced around the world are being given to livestock.
- 30% of all fresh water use in the world is used for producing animal products.
A well-made, informative, important and eye-opening documentary that covers it all: burning rainforests, animal agriculture, microplastics in our ocean, extreme weather events, food shortages, and how we are currently in the sixth mass extinction event. Makes some very strong arguments that we should all be working towards plant based diets as soon as possible.
This is well worth watching. I just saw it in the cinema with my wife. This really opened my eyes to a lot of things I had heard about but had no idea just how much what I eat is effecting the world. The cinematography was amazing and there are a lot of very moving scenes weaved through the story.
It was great to see my childhood hero's Richard Branson and Tony Robbins sharing their take on the issue and Winslet's narration perfectly fit the story. We were on the edge of our seats most of the way though as every scene keeps you engaged right from the very start to the very finish.
The film got an ovation at the end, and quite rightly deserved. Will be recommending to friends and colleagues.
It was great to see my childhood hero's Richard Branson and Tony Robbins sharing their take on the issue and Winslet's narration perfectly fit the story. We were on the edge of our seats most of the way though as every scene keeps you engaged right from the very start to the very finish.
The film got an ovation at the end, and quite rightly deserved. Will be recommending to friends and colleagues.
- AlexRogers-41130
- Sep 20, 2021
- Permalink
This is well-researched, clearly articulated, and quite frankly terrifying stuff. EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION makes you want to slap people in the face with your knowledge.
- margorobert
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
Just watched this documentary, I found it wonderfully presented. Resonates with the truth scientist tell, but it's same truth that people have been telling to humans from past few decades. It's more about telling the truth what humans are doing to this planet, but I can understand it must be hard to accept for many people because it tries to wake humans up that they are doing something wrong to themselves and to the future of our planet. The majority of humans want to live in a fantasy world, and to hear beautiful words and praises for themselves even when they are doing the opposite. 6.6/10 is not a good enough rating for this amazing work, if the majority of people have eyes to see their wrongdoings and hear true words the world would be different, and we might not need to watch this documentary. This is must watch for one who is brave enough to accept his/her mistakes to correct them, not for fantasy lovers.
- deepndense
- Apr 22, 2022
- Permalink
The problem with so many vegan documentaries is that they are so sensationalist and instead of having respected scientists they use "researchers" to carry the so-called vegan agenda. When you watch things like Seaspiracy or Cowspiracy - whilst well-meaning - they are full of hooded characters all dressed in black like animal rights protesters at an ANTIFA convention and push extreme science and and anecdotal stories which will NEVER appeal to the masses.
Whats unique and very refreshing about Eating Our Way To Extinction is that is has moved past all that, and somehow miraculously manages to gently but powerfully push forward the same message of changing your food away from animal products, without being all preachy and "holier-than-thou".
As someone who has recently tried to change my diet for environmental reasons and struggled to do so for a few years, I found this film to be that push that I finally needed. I hope a lot of people get to watch this as I feel that it will appeal to a lot of people, in a way that previous attempts have never been able to.
Whats unique and very refreshing about Eating Our Way To Extinction is that is has moved past all that, and somehow miraculously manages to gently but powerfully push forward the same message of changing your food away from animal products, without being all preachy and "holier-than-thou".
As someone who has recently tried to change my diet for environmental reasons and struggled to do so for a few years, I found this film to be that push that I finally needed. I hope a lot of people get to watch this as I feel that it will appeal to a lot of people, in a way that previous attempts have never been able to.
- SamD-10812
- Sep 20, 2021
- Permalink
They don't TELL YOU to stop eating meat, they just give you some (beautifully shot) facts and yet here I am changing my diet...
Once you know, you know! I highly recommend...
Once you know, you know! I highly recommend...
Wow, what a documentary! It is powerful, emotional and entertaining and hits the nail on the head with all its facts.
It has opened my eyes greatly to the effects of humanity upon our natural world, and has given me the drive to make the small changes in my life, making a big positive impact.
Well done to the creators! I'm a hard person to change, but you've done it!
It has opened my eyes greatly to the effects of humanity upon our natural world, and has given me the drive to make the small changes in my life, making a big positive impact.
Well done to the creators! I'm a hard person to change, but you've done it!
- jamesanderson-57382
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
This documentary starts out strong with a bold premise, supported by searing images, flashy data, great editing work, and the fascinating accent of A-lister Kate Winslet. I learn a few things, like how algae pills are a much more direct, cleaner source of Omega 3s than fish. However, at the end, it becomes preachy, devolving into another mediocre show callously imposing a plant-based diet. "Eating Our Way to Extinction" neglects exploring the reason why humans continue to have an appetite for meat flavor. The fact that it showcases consumers being amazed at how the "fake meat" tastes exactly like real meat only promotes the reality that people will continue to crave that meaty taste. Until you explore why, you cannot effectively and sincerely expect people to abruptly stop eating meat.
- julieshotmail
- Oct 10, 2021
- Permalink
Loads and loads of well verified facts along with a beautifully shot film. Not preachy like other films. Definitely worth watching... in fact an important film and a must see.
- edwardleslie-56769
- Sep 24, 2021
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Honestly right up front, I'm probably not the target audience for this type of documentary. I don't know too much about environmentalism. I don't particularly care about what happens and the likes of Al Gore and those make it off-putting. I'm pretty sure it's some type of carbon tax scam. I remember back in the late 80's when they were saying that the world was going to freeze over by now and California was supposed to sink into the ocean. That didn't turn out too well. One doomsday prediction after another just keeps passing without incident. How can we take them as credible?
Still I'm glad that I watched this. It was well made. It wasn't forceful or looking to guilt trip the viewer. It was polished and stylish. It was engaging and welcoming. I didn't detect any hard political slant.
I don't know enough to say if it's full of Chicken Little stuff but if even half of it is true it's concerning. I'm not even talking about concerning for future generations because I don't care about that. I don't have any kids. I'll be dead.
No, it's concerning right now for the quality of our food and what contaminants we're eating with it. I had no idea that fish farming was so toxic and disgusting. I eat canned tuna once in a while. Am I eating microplastics?
Here's the problem. Let's just assume that the film is 100% true. There's no realistic solution. Their sources are saying that the entire planet needs to reduce meat consumption by 80% to make a difference. That will never happen. A single person giving up their own meat intake is a joke. The industrial cattle farming machine is still going to march on either way. Being a cute vegan is futile.
I remember reading some time ago that they were working on lab-grown meats. What happened to it? THAT seems like the only possible way out because we can have our meat without the mass-farming of animals. It's win-win. Plus we won't have to worry about cruelty in the process anymore.
Anyway, again, I'm better for watching. I'm set to be the griller at a Father's Day BBQ today. This film will stick with me as I do so.
Still I'm glad that I watched this. It was well made. It wasn't forceful or looking to guilt trip the viewer. It was polished and stylish. It was engaging and welcoming. I didn't detect any hard political slant.
I don't know enough to say if it's full of Chicken Little stuff but if even half of it is true it's concerning. I'm not even talking about concerning for future generations because I don't care about that. I don't have any kids. I'll be dead.
No, it's concerning right now for the quality of our food and what contaminants we're eating with it. I had no idea that fish farming was so toxic and disgusting. I eat canned tuna once in a while. Am I eating microplastics?
Here's the problem. Let's just assume that the film is 100% true. There's no realistic solution. Their sources are saying that the entire planet needs to reduce meat consumption by 80% to make a difference. That will never happen. A single person giving up their own meat intake is a joke. The industrial cattle farming machine is still going to march on either way. Being a cute vegan is futile.
I remember reading some time ago that they were working on lab-grown meats. What happened to it? THAT seems like the only possible way out because we can have our meat without the mass-farming of animals. It's win-win. Plus we won't have to worry about cruelty in the process anymore.
Anyway, again, I'm better for watching. I'm set to be the griller at a Father's Day BBQ today. This film will stick with me as I do so.
I've been a lover of meat and dairy my whole life. It's just the way I've been brought up, like most of us. Having seen this thought provoking and compelling film, I'm now fully committed to my up most best to remove meat and dairy from my diet. We need to given the urgency science in the film is telling us.
Well done to the film makers. I'm pretty stubborn with these things and not easily convinced, but this film has nailed it with the fact and the way they've been delivered!
Well done to the film makers. I'm pretty stubborn with these things and not easily convinced, but this film has nailed it with the fact and the way they've been delivered!
- jamesedwards-51968
- Apr 28, 2022
- Permalink
Who is the "perfect" messenger of bad news?
Unfortunately, this is the main conundrum with films that are attempting to alter the path of human culture. When everyone has blood on their hands who are the messengers that have any credibility. Surely you don't pick the worst offenders.... the "one percent" and movie stars because we all know that those who have generated the most capital are the ones contributing the most to the problem. Capital = resources.
The truth is our eating habits ( and everything else we do) have only become an issue because of global population. It's the exponential increase, the shear scale of destructive habits that is endangering us. No one wants to talk about that. It's not a glamorous, entertaining or easy to solve problem... aside from ensuring everyone on Earth has reproductive rights.
However, just because there is no perfect messenger and this issue isn't the root of the problem doesn't mean the message or issue isn't valid and shouldn't be spoken of. Getting information to people and nudging them to consider the issues and their habits remains important... but Richard Branson?
Unfortunately, this is the main conundrum with films that are attempting to alter the path of human culture. When everyone has blood on their hands who are the messengers that have any credibility. Surely you don't pick the worst offenders.... the "one percent" and movie stars because we all know that those who have generated the most capital are the ones contributing the most to the problem. Capital = resources.
The truth is our eating habits ( and everything else we do) have only become an issue because of global population. It's the exponential increase, the shear scale of destructive habits that is endangering us. No one wants to talk about that. It's not a glamorous, entertaining or easy to solve problem... aside from ensuring everyone on Earth has reproductive rights.
However, just because there is no perfect messenger and this issue isn't the root of the problem doesn't mean the message or issue isn't valid and shouldn't be spoken of. Getting information to people and nudging them to consider the issues and their habits remains important... but Richard Branson?
- apcamps-880-256756
- May 30, 2022
- Permalink
This is well worth watching! This document is incredibly well made and totally opened my eyes up to a tonne of facts I did not know about before. I loved the focus on education rather than preaching, and that was really true throughout the film. This documentary gives the viewer simple every day things they can do to help the situation we're in. This film is a must watch!
- sophiehardman-03943
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
I don't normally write reviews but I was so moved by the transformative power of this film I felt I needed to share. For many years, my family and friends have always made fun of me for not consuming animal products, I've tried explaining why its important and I've shown them every vegan documentary I can from Cowspiracy to What The Health but they always just laugh and say its vegan agenda trash.
I finally managed to persuade my whole family and 6 of my friends to come to the theatre to watch the film (I had to buy the tickets myself lol). After the film had finished, to my great suprise, all of them - including my dad - who hates vegans - said they simply couldn't argue with the film and said that it had made such a powerful case that they all were going to make a change in their diet. 6 days later and my dad is now almost completely vegan and says he feels great, my mum is cooking almost completely vegan meals 3 times a day for us all, and my friends keep sending me photos of all their veggie food they are eating and genuinly seem proud to be making a change. It's like the film has a magical seret spell in it making people change their diets.
It is incredibly well made and has just the right amount of emotions, story telling and facts mixed together in the perfect balance. It's mature and cinematic and not preachy at all and I think that is what really made a big difference compared with other vegan films I've shown to others before.
All I can say is that I wish this film had existed years ago, if you have stubborn friends and family that are not open to moving away from animal products then this film is a must watch.
I finally managed to persuade my whole family and 6 of my friends to come to the theatre to watch the film (I had to buy the tickets myself lol). After the film had finished, to my great suprise, all of them - including my dad - who hates vegans - said they simply couldn't argue with the film and said that it had made such a powerful case that they all were going to make a change in their diet. 6 days later and my dad is now almost completely vegan and says he feels great, my mum is cooking almost completely vegan meals 3 times a day for us all, and my friends keep sending me photos of all their veggie food they are eating and genuinly seem proud to be making a change. It's like the film has a magical seret spell in it making people change their diets.
It is incredibly well made and has just the right amount of emotions, story telling and facts mixed together in the perfect balance. It's mature and cinematic and not preachy at all and I think that is what really made a big difference compared with other vegan films I've shown to others before.
All I can say is that I wish this film had existed years ago, if you have stubborn friends and family that are not open to moving away from animal products then this film is a must watch.
- TyWoods777
- Sep 20, 2021
- Permalink
Great documentary and definitely worth a watch. It's done in a way that keeps it factual and light enough so you don't feel depressed by the issues it's tackling and can retain the important information.
- conorsmyth-46848
- Sep 20, 2021
- Permalink
Ignorance is not bliss. This documentary is a film that all of humanity needs to see, and TODAY! It is brilliantly put together. The visuals and stats are so impactful. If this film can not persuade you to make a small change in your life to help the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change, I don't know what will. Please watch today. You won't regret it!
- tomboyce-05409
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
Humanity's consumption of resources is but a symptom of the real problem of overpopulation. Overpopulation is the root cause of every single problem we face as a species. Why does no one want to address the elephant in the room? We cull deer populations to keep their numbers in check but do nothing to keep our own numbers in balance with our environment. Until we reduce our numbers, changing our eating habits is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound...it might help a little bit with the bleeding but does nothing to remove the bullet.
- Impressive_Bicycle_Girl
- Apr 22, 2022
- Permalink
Difficult subject taken from different angles to give the hope to people who are afraid of the lack of progress in tackling the climate disaster. With all possible explanations it gives the simples way to turn things around from every day choices. Absolutely a must to watch and share.
Disclaimer: I began eating plant-based in 2010. Was never a big meat eater, so it was easy to skip it for weeks or months at a time. I'm like the truthful Seventh Day Adventists (I worked with them in a hospital and saw what they really eat) - a flexitarian.
With that out of the way, there is no doubt we are are at the climate crisis tipping-point, and may well have passed it. AND - reducing our consumption of animal products will be better for the environment. And - stop drinking almond milk which uses an unimaginable amount of water (100 gal water per 1/2 gal almond milk!). The problem with using docs like this as a vehicle to communicate a pathway to reducing greenhouse gases, pollution, micro-plastics, and exhausting the limited fresh water resources in general, is they come across as preachy and the viewer assumes that because it is a "documentary", the data/claims have been vetted, right? Well, no.
As I watched this doc, all I could think of was Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, and any other "spiracy docs" that take data and skews it to fit a narrative (e.g., The Game Changers). As a scientist, I love fact-checking. This doc shares so much with those previously mentioned: Many of the same key players (not-a-scientist Anthony Robbins, also, not-a-scientist or vegan Richard Branson, not a vegan Kate Winslet) repeating the same claims, almost word-for word, including some of the same false data as Seaspiracy. As I heard the claim that 80% of plastic sea trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is fishing equipment, I shook my head in disbelief. I pulled the research paper they quote, and it is a completely false representation of the statement: "at least 46% was comprised of fishing nets" and "86% of the large pieces of floating plastic in the garbage patch are items that were abandoned, lost or discarded by fishing vessels." Sylvia Earle, a real scientist and vegetarian stated, "at least half the plastic in the sea comes from discarded or lost fishing gear. She knows the truth.
Interesting that the vegans who made this doc had trouble finding vegan spokespeople to mouth their "facts".
My point is this: we don't need another preachy faux documentary to motivate people to take action to alleviate this certain crisis. We need voters who will elect politicians who care about a world that will exist long after they are gone. And we need viewers who stop accepting anything that sounds like it must be true as fact. How do you think we ended up with all those Q-Anon followers?
With that out of the way, there is no doubt we are are at the climate crisis tipping-point, and may well have passed it. AND - reducing our consumption of animal products will be better for the environment. And - stop drinking almond milk which uses an unimaginable amount of water (100 gal water per 1/2 gal almond milk!). The problem with using docs like this as a vehicle to communicate a pathway to reducing greenhouse gases, pollution, micro-plastics, and exhausting the limited fresh water resources in general, is they come across as preachy and the viewer assumes that because it is a "documentary", the data/claims have been vetted, right? Well, no.
As I watched this doc, all I could think of was Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, and any other "spiracy docs" that take data and skews it to fit a narrative (e.g., The Game Changers). As a scientist, I love fact-checking. This doc shares so much with those previously mentioned: Many of the same key players (not-a-scientist Anthony Robbins, also, not-a-scientist or vegan Richard Branson, not a vegan Kate Winslet) repeating the same claims, almost word-for word, including some of the same false data as Seaspiracy. As I heard the claim that 80% of plastic sea trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is fishing equipment, I shook my head in disbelief. I pulled the research paper they quote, and it is a completely false representation of the statement: "at least 46% was comprised of fishing nets" and "86% of the large pieces of floating plastic in the garbage patch are items that were abandoned, lost or discarded by fishing vessels." Sylvia Earle, a real scientist and vegetarian stated, "at least half the plastic in the sea comes from discarded or lost fishing gear. She knows the truth.
Interesting that the vegans who made this doc had trouble finding vegan spokespeople to mouth their "facts".
My point is this: we don't need another preachy faux documentary to motivate people to take action to alleviate this certain crisis. We need voters who will elect politicians who care about a world that will exist long after they are gone. And we need viewers who stop accepting anything that sounds like it must be true as fact. How do you think we ended up with all those Q-Anon followers?
Ok, there is just no way you watch this and want to eat again fish and meat... I was just disgusted. We don't really know what we eat do we?
Also, Kare Winslet. Wonderful narrator. Beautiful scenes shot and beautifully filmed and edited. A film that really changed my view on thing I wasn't aware of.
Also, Kare Winslet. Wonderful narrator. Beautiful scenes shot and beautifully filmed and edited. A film that really changed my view on thing I wasn't aware of.
And preaching to the converted, this documentary adds nothing new to those that have preceded it. It makes the fatal mistake of inviting famous faces such as Tony Robbins and Richard Branson add their two cents worth; people generally do not enjoy being lectured about how to live by those in their ivory towers. The romanticism of native tribes in the Amazon, Mongolia and Taiwan is cringeworthy and exploitative; these people are not a plot device. The makers are seemingly out of touch with the average person at which this documentary is pitched; they do not grasp how some recoil at idea of veganism due to the holier-than-thou attitude of its adherents. They also fail to ask the single most important question: how much cheaper must plant-based options be compared to their meat versions for people to make the switch? Personally, it would be around 20%. Meat eaters are attached to the ritual and symbolism of eating meat; there has to be an monetary incentive to entice them to give that up.
I've never seen a documentary like this before, whoever made this is extremely courageous, they've risked everything to bring so much to light that other people have been too afraid to touch, finally its ALL out there now let's hope the human race has enough IQ and heart to change.
- truthqy-42848
- Sep 25, 2021
- Permalink
I was surprised when I saw this documentary at school. I enjoyed watching it.
We need to take care of our planet and environment not destroy and pollute everything. This documentary is constructive, it makes us realised a lot of things!
We need to take care of our planet and environment not destroy and pollute everything. This documentary is constructive, it makes us realised a lot of things!
- bongoohait
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
I really enjoyed watching EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION. It brings to light the problems that we all face as a species. The film takes us on a global journey and speaks with people of great importance about biodiversity loss and facing extinction.
- chibuzoifeanyichukwu
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink