The satirical animation film "Prodelkin in School" was created at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1974 by Soviet filmmakers Anatoily Petrov, Gennadiy Sokolskiy and Valeriy Ugarov. The story of a... Read allThe satirical animation film "Prodelkin in School" was created at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1974 by Soviet filmmakers Anatoily Petrov, Gennadiy Sokolskiy and Valeriy Ugarov. The story of a restless schoolboy will certainly appeal to viewers of all ages. The animation film consi... Read allThe satirical animation film "Prodelkin in School" was created at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1974 by Soviet filmmakers Anatoily Petrov, Gennadiy Sokolskiy and Valeriy Ugarov. The story of a restless schoolboy will certainly appeal to viewers of all ages. The animation film consists of three plots - "How Prodelkin read a wall newspaper", "How Prodelkin fought for acad... Read all