When people with special powers and memories of past lives begin to emerge, they are feared by the masses and hunted within the capital city of Regnum. An organization known as the Church of Arka emerges to protect them, further destabilizing the world. A Regnum boy named Ruca finds a girl named Illia fleeing from the Church of Arka, and when he tries to help her, the powers of the god Asura awaken within him. Illia explains that she too possesses powers and memories dating back to the era of Gods, and that she was Asura's lover Inanna in a former life. After learning why the Church of Arka is pursuing her, Ruca decides to join Illia's journey. Along the way they meet Spada, Ange, and other new allies, and discover hidden truths about the origin and history of their world.
—Tales Channel PLUS