Glass follows the story of a young woman, Ellie, who has clearly begun to see the flaws in the world around her- more specifically the flaws of her mother. After a fight with her mother, Ell... Read allGlass follows the story of a young woman, Ellie, who has clearly begun to see the flaws in the world around her- more specifically the flaws of her mother. After a fight with her mother, Ellie leaves home, and soon finds herself being shown the importance of simplicity by Becks, ... Read allGlass follows the story of a young woman, Ellie, who has clearly begun to see the flaws in the world around her- more specifically the flaws of her mother. After a fight with her mother, Ellie leaves home, and soon finds herself being shown the importance of simplicity by Becks, the free-spirited social butterfly, and Issac, the freewheeling humorist, ultimately bring... Read all