1 review
Invisible is a sci-fi thriller series that explores the consequences of a family secret that grants some members the ability to turn invisible. The show, directed by Doug Liman, who also helmed The Bourne Identity and Edge of Tomorrow, combines action, mystery and drama in a compelling narrative that keeps the viewers hooked. The series boasts a talented cast, including Jason Priestley, Olivia Thirlby, David Harbour and Nick Robinson, who deliver convincing performances as the protagonists of the story. The show also features stunning visual effects that create a realistic and immersive experience of invisibility. The show tackles themes such as identity, morality, power and family, and raises intriguing questions about the ethical implications of having such a gift. Invisible is a well-crafted and engaging series that offers a fresh and original take on the genre of sci-fi. It is a must-watch for fans of Liman's work and for anyone who enjoys a thrilling and suspenseful story.
- Metal_Robots
- Jan 26, 2024
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