Very happy to write a review for such a movie. Feeling heart-filled after a long time!
90% of the job is done if the casting is perfect. This suits perfectly for this movie. Manikandan does brilliant job in casting.
Each and every character has its own importance in the plot and everyone actually contributes to its development. The screenplay is penned in such a way in which the character develops as the plot develops.
Some movies require a brilliant script to lure the audience into it and there are movies like this one, which can lure you purely by the brilliance of its screenplay.
Be it editing, BGM, cinematography, everything contributes to the plot and enriches it without spoiling the mood of the film.
The social message is embedded in such a way that its not just a last 5 minute speech where a message suddenly crops out of nowhere. We clearly get the message in almost each and every minute of the movie. This is the brilliance here !
Must watch. Very good social message which is suitable for almost all individuals.