[Keith and Ryan are meeting in the barroom of a hotel]
Ryan: Keith... it's good to see you in the flesh.
Keith Summers: Pretty interesting place for a... classified and confidential meeting if you ask me.
Ryan: Look, Keith - I've had several reports that the Pentagon may have compromised our intel. I know you're stressed, and - I'm sorry... for the loss of your parents. But maybe this business in Russia isn't the best thing for you right now.
Keith Summers: I understand your concern, but... I need this opportunity more than anything. Everything is in order, I promise.
Ryan: Look, Keith - we can arrange a holiday for you. You and Lisa, together. I can... put you anywhere in the world you want, alright?
Keith Summers: I don't want a holiday! Ryan, I don't NEED... a holiday. I'm the best man for this job... whether you know that or not.
Ryan: [takes off his sunglasses] I need to stress to you the importance of finishing this mission quickly and quietly.
Keith Summers: As planned.
Ryan: If... anything leaks out about this, the whole mission could be compromised in a matter of minutes. That's what I'm worried about. Did you receive the documents?
Keith Summers: Yeah. I know they're on to us, Ryan. When I was given the documents the other night, they... they followed me. And... whether they want me dead or alive... I don't know.
Ryan: You can't back out now. You've just told me you're the best man for the job! Prove it.
[Keith prepares to leave]
Ryan: Get changed... and go to the airport. You're on the next flight out of Brisbane. And Keith! Good luck.