The "square peg, round hole" analogy comes to life as the Hutchins family moves to a new town in the middle of nowhere. When Wednesday Hutchins accepted an executive job in her company's corporate office, it uprooted her entire family and moved them to a new town on the outskirts of a big city. With the support of her husband, Denver, they're determined to make things work. But that's not easily done for their children. Their teenage daughter September has no friends and must learn to rely on something other than social media to connect with others. Eight-year-old Olin must work extra hard to fit in without compromising his individuality. And their oldest daughter Giselle has to figure out how to break some big news to her parents. Their adventures tackle everything from adjusting to their new home to the struggles of every family in today's environment, and the results are sometimes just as quirky as they are.
—Mary Kate Allen