I was kind pessimistic that Ji Chang Wook could play well in this movie since his face is too handsome, too friendly, and too soft to cast a highly trained spec ops soldier. I thought So Ji Sub would be better for this role since he is bigger and has tougher face than him. But after I see him acting in this movie my doubt disappear. He must be trained and prepared very well in this movie because I can see hungry predatory stare on his eyes and also showing excellent athletic and fighting skill. Two thumbs up for Ji Chang Wook. Also I give special credit to Song Yun-ah who played the role as smart ambitious beautiful and tricky chaebol heirs which you can hardly tell whether she is truly generous or just a gimmick to get sympathy from people. Ji Chang Wook character was half forced to cooperate with this evil woman but he can not refuse her offer because he need her unlimited resources to revenge the death of her lover.
The conflict in this movie is kind of complicated since the "good" side is not that good and the "bad" side is not also that bad. Many grey area shown by character in this movie to show how rotten the politics is.