- Bharat Ke Rang [French]
- Cinema Chaat [Heather Wilson]
- CINEMA PARADISE [sprawling narrative of uncertainty]
- DGZ Media [Raisa Nasreen]
- dynereviewmovies.wordpress.com
- High on Films [Arun Kumar]
- KollywoodZone.com [A brilliant start to the trilogy]
- Madras Cinephile [Shankar Iyer]
- Mindvoices - A Vada Chennai Film analysis
- MovieDash.com [Dashran Yohan]
- Moviekoop: Vada Chennai Movie Review [Rohan M]
- pycker
- silverscreen.in [Aditya Shrikrishna]
- The Judgemental Journalist - Third Perception [Santhosh Mathevan]
- The Judgemental Journalist [Santhosh Mathevan]
- The Judgemental Journalist on Vada Chennai Album [Santhosh Mathevan]
- YouTube [Charcha With Bhurani]
- YouTube [Jimmy Cage]
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