I could only get through four episodes before turning this thing off. Truly one of the most facile, egotistical people I've ever had the displeasure to watch. She even makes Madonna look humble. But at least Madonna has some depth. Like most of her ilk, she is surrounded by a bunch of 'yes people'. But the most appalling of all those is her manager. I forget her name, but she is one of the worst examples of a bully I've ever seen in action. Employing assistants, she deliberately sets them up for failure, seemingly for her own amusement, and then threatens them with termination of their employment. These assistants are clearly distressed, and yet there is no sympathy or concern for their welfare. One particularly appalling scene involved the manager, and Mariah herself, playing a prank call on this hapless assistant who was clearly distressed, with Mariah and manager finding amusement in that. I found this to be truly base, bullying behaviour. The fact that Mariah encouraged and colluded with this appalling conduct says a lot about her character as far as I'm concerned, as well as the yes people surrounding her. It was at this point I decided to turn this vile garbage off. I do not recommend watching this terrible trash.