This movie receives a maximum of two stars from me. Some scenes in the movie have no continuity. This movie has terrible direction. Jessica Alba's acting prowess has been demonstrated in her prior films. However, in this one, there is acting confusion in every scene. Actually, hardly a single scene has any life in it. Discovering the cause of the heroine's father's death is the main goal of the film. It's a completely bad film. From the outset, it presents a quiet atmosphere in a desolate setting with few actors. It's like an inexperienced director took a nonsense script and cast it. Even with a bad screenplay, these kinds of thrillers ought to have better acting. Jessica doesn't even know how to hold a knife correctly in this film. A group of dramatists who were unaware of the circumstances made up the co-actors. Come on, Netflix is the greatest place to see if a movie is good or horrible right now.