"Let Her Out" caught my attention with two things; the first and most prominent thing was that it is a horror movie, of course. And the second thing was that the synopsis for the storyline seemed interesting and it could actually be a great movie.
I will say that I didn't really find this 2016 horror movie to be a particular masterwork piece within the horror genre. While the story was entertaining enough for what it was, then the movie was just suffering from being overly predictable and actually also being way too generic - leaning way too much up against many other horror movies. So it other words, it lacks originality.
There are some good enough moments throughout the course of "Let Her Out", mostly being the jump scares, but also the acting should be praised here. Alanna LeVierge really did carry the movie quite well with her performance as Helen.
"Let Her Out" is hardly a movie that will scare you out of your wits, but there are some creepy and spooky enough moments here and there to make it worthwhile to sit through the entire movie. However, "Let Her Out" just wasn't an outstanding or particularly memorable movie.
Nicely filmed and equally nicely edited, there is something oddly appealing about the movie in a strange way. And there are some rather interesting and somewhat disturbing visual scenes that were quite nice, and that was a definite boost in the right direction. Just a shame that the overall picture was so predictable and generic.
Helen's fall into madness was interesting enough, but the movie just didn't fully have what it took to be outstanding. But when the transformation scene took place, it just went down the drain so fast. While it looked nice and had great special effects, it was just, and let's be blunt here, too much!
This is hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than once, because the story doesn't have enough contents to sustain more than a single viewing.
My rating of "Let Her Out" settles on a 5 out of 10 stars. While "Let Her Out" certainly is entertaining enough for a single viewing, there are far better horror movies out there.