This provoking film, 'Let's Talk About "It" is a highly engaging horror/ psychological thriller by director Kshitij Sharma. It deals with the layers of human mind and it's relation with fear. Fear sprouts when logic ends; when a situation goes out of the hand in a way that logic can't justify its courses, fear creeps in. Fear is an inevitable part of the construct of human psychology, negating the existence of fear with the help of clinical techniques isn't always the best thing to do. Let's Talk About "It" unfolds the premise of fear and validates the same till the end.
Dr. Kavita Mukherjee is a renowned psychiatrist; smart, independent, charming, successful, based at Delhi. She comes across various patients every day. Virat Mahajan comes to her chamber being intimidated by an invisible being, who follows him all the time and causes nuisance in his house. Kavita diagnoses him for paranoia and schizophrenia. Soon after she met her new patient, unpredictable and uncanny things started piling up in her own life. The deeper she dug into the case, the more complex things grew in her surroundings until she realized she can't get over fear all the time. Loved the idea of personification of fear and the climax, or the anti-climax rather.
This film is totally performance oriented. Director Kshitij Sharma was brilliant as Virat Mahajan. He has received the award for best actor from CICFF for this film. Deeya Dey as Kavita is beyond perfection. Her realistic appearance and performance held up the story. Cinematography was decent. Loved the use of mobile flash as the only source of light, at times. Editing was crisp. Art direction was fine, however too many elements within Kavita's chamber, like Durga show piece, Tagore, Vivekananda, were not required to establish that she's a Bengali. The movie was neatly paced. The horror sequences were skillful designed in low light.
Overall, a thought provoking movie.
Panchali Kar/Cult Critic/CICFF