134 reviews
- littleangelik
- Oct 28, 2017
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There was a quite a bit of hype on talk-radio about this movie and how great it is... well I disagree. While the basic plot premise is interesting, I found the end product lacking. The "flow" of the movie is concentrated in one direction --- holding your hand from one incident to the next, but this leaves the viewer disengaged. The dialog is at times unrealistically religious and it takes quite a leap of faith to believe that someone could be "transformed" in the manner set forth on the screen. The only real emotional moment happens at the end of the movie and by then it is too late. There is no resurrection joy, only sadness.
- stevendbeard
- Nov 14, 2017
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- nysalesman
- Nov 3, 2017
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Why do American christians have to portray atheists as unhappy and lost? What absolute rubbish! We're happy, fulfilled, we live our lives to the fullest because we're only here once, we do good things and we help others regardless of their beliefs. We're also great parents, raising wonderful children to be amazing adults, but oh no...an American Christian movie always portrays an atheist parent as a bad parent. This movie makes an atheist look miserable. Garbage brainwashing or a pitiful attempt to validate their own religion, but it's pathetic to what lengths christians will go to in order to feel better about themselves. This movie and it's message is pumped up arrogance. Religion doesn't teach people to be decent. Everyone I know is kind, decent and caring for family and strangers, yet by the comments I see apparently christians believe we're not. Meanwhile, evangelists have one sex scandal after another. No wonder people find American christians annoying, such arrogance and ignorance about others.
- mae-912-80561
- Nov 4, 2017
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After watching this, I really am questioning Christianity. What a horrible show. Bad things happen, move on. Don't banter about it for almost 2 hours. The stereotype of the drunken atheist "bad person", who is reformed by Christianity is so over the top here it's unbelievable. Then to have sean hannity get involved, uugh, now I'm thinking Christians are the "bad guys". Glad it was only 1h 40 mins. Please stop making this junk.
Chock full of the favorite myths of Christians about non-Christians, this groaner just serves to preach to the already bloated egos of its choir. The plot is boring and predictable, the main character a laughable caricature, and the writing falls right in with the current political climate in encouraging people to give in to hate and fear of the "other". That the acting is so poor is almost forgivable considering the script. Among the ridiculous straw men: atheist who is really just a misotheist who "hates god" after a personal tragedy, atheist who converts on deathbed, atheist who cares only about drinking and partying and mocking people, atheist who somehow magically discards all reason for mythical thinking with no impetus whatsoever. I'd find it absurd if so many Christians didn't actually believe this rubbish.
Can't say as I'm surprised at all the negative comments when it comes to movies about Christianity and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That's the way of the world. Propaganda? Spare me! As to the acting, superb! Another great film from Kevin Sorbo. Great performance by his wife and sons too! I'll be looking out for more movies with Mrs. Sorbo in the future as I'm almost guaranteed they'll be good. Excellent job all around. May the Love of Jesus Christ fulfill everyone. All we have to do is ask and repent!
- photovisual
- Dec 5, 2020
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Reading the negative reviews I almost skipped the movie when it popped up on Amazon Prime.
But with Sorbo, who I enjoyed in other movies, I gave it a chance. Glad I did.
Good story, good acting, and well produced.
Yes, it is a movie about faith and overcoming, but more than that it's worth watching and quite enjoyable.
- jamalking15
- Apr 27, 2018
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No need to go past the previews for this one. Kevin Sorbo plays the same angry antitheist that he played in 2014's God is Not Dead, who doesn't exist. What an atheist really says: there is as much evidence for a Christian God as there is for Piranha Sharks, another 2014 movie Sorbo was in where he is far down in the list of credits. I am comfortable in my skin in saying YOUR God doesn't exist and a minute away from believing in any God that cares to contact me, as what happens to Sorbo's character in this movie.
I suppose those embracing the frothing at the mouth atheist converting to God the way Scrooge turns into a decent guy trope might find this entertaining. I am entertained by beyond reality movies, not so much by unhinged from reality Sean Hannity. Added a star for what appears decent production values.
- robertmike57
- Jan 15, 2018
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In the midst of so much hate. I loved this movie. The acting was great and pure. I'm sure the Sorbo family had a great time making this movie. It is wonderful that they are ministering to so many via their movies. Please watch this movie, especially if you are looking for answers about God. And remember Jesus is alive, all He wants is for you to believe that God sent Him down to earth to die for your sins so that you will not have to live in hell for eternity. Jesus is a good loving God who wants to be Lord of your life.
- RuthMariaK
- Apr 25, 2021
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I've seen worse movies. That being said 'Let There Be Light' wasn't written by a theologian and probably won't win any awards, but it is coherent and has a positive message. In this particular film, an Atheist has a life changing experience and as a result becomes a believer in Jesus Christ. He becomes a changed person.
- doriangadah
- Apr 5, 2018
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watching this maudlin, very predictable, tedious movie bored me. Absolutely no spoiler is necessary. As soon as I got hold of the main character (Kevin Sorbo,) I knew what was going to happen. The acting was sort of mixed mediocre with the children looking like "Hey, I'm acting!" I enjoy feel good movies but this was soap opera quality.
- kathmandewbodyart
- Apr 17, 2018
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- gardnergillian
- Oct 27, 2017
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Did you ever see the movie "God's Not Dead"? Well, Kevin Sorbo plays the same exact character in this as he did there. In other words he's not playing an atheist, he's playing the strawman of an atheist as he believes they are. Both there, and here, he plays a man who is angry at God. Not a man that doesn't believe in God. Trust me. There's a difference.
Let me get this out of the way, I think Ksorbs is a fine actor. He's charismatic and he's able to deliver his lines more than adequately. the problem I have with this movie doesn't have anything to do with him and everything to do with how he's shown as an atheist as well as some of the other casting choices. His real life wife and real life children play those roles in this movie. But while Sam Sorbo, his wife, is good enough his kids can't act to save their lives. The oldest one literally doesn't show emotion at all. Except one smile later one. That's it.
And of course the elephant in the room is that this was produced by Sean Hannity who honestly gave a good performance playing Sean Hannity. So props to that. But the dialogue, the rest of the actors and the rest just make this movie a slog unless you happen to share the same views as the director and producer of this movie.
In the end, this isn't a movie that will change minds or hearts which is what Christian cinema really ought to be doing if they want to win souls for Jesus. This is a movie that the already converted will love because it speaks to them and the ones that aren't will just turn it off and watch reruns of "Hercules the Legendary Journey's" instead.
Let me get this out of the way, I think Ksorbs is a fine actor. He's charismatic and he's able to deliver his lines more than adequately. the problem I have with this movie doesn't have anything to do with him and everything to do with how he's shown as an atheist as well as some of the other casting choices. His real life wife and real life children play those roles in this movie. But while Sam Sorbo, his wife, is good enough his kids can't act to save their lives. The oldest one literally doesn't show emotion at all. Except one smile later one. That's it.
And of course the elephant in the room is that this was produced by Sean Hannity who honestly gave a good performance playing Sean Hannity. So props to that. But the dialogue, the rest of the actors and the rest just make this movie a slog unless you happen to share the same views as the director and producer of this movie.
In the end, this isn't a movie that will change minds or hearts which is what Christian cinema really ought to be doing if they want to win souls for Jesus. This is a movie that the already converted will love because it speaks to them and the ones that aren't will just turn it off and watch reruns of "Hercules the Legendary Journey's" instead.
This was overall a very good movie that displays what true trusting faith in Jesus can do in people's lives. Do bad things happen? Of course, can you explain everything that happens in life? Of course not, but the biggest thing that Faith in Jesus offers is Hope, hope in a GOD that promises it WILL all work out in the end, NO MATTER WHAT ! I believe this movie did a good job of showing that Overall in a good story. Acting was ok and sometimes a little bit corky but that's to be expected in lower budgeted films. In the end this movie is very much a enjoyable family movie and even funny at times. I Would recommend this film very strongly even for non believers just come prepared to hear the name Jesus constantly, And keep a open mind .
I've been watching more TV than any other time in my life. It was great to watch a relevant movie about a family that goes through death, distress, sorrow, loss, and remains hope-filled.
You don't have to agree with everything in this flick. I have yet to find any movie except one, 1995 P & P, that I don't find things that I don't like.
A great movie to enjoy with the whole family.
Stay hopeful. These are tough times.
Family & friends are all that matter.
- live-and-let-live
- Nov 13, 2020
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Trite tearjerker, that you will watch and say haven't I seen this before? Not original, very preachy. Sorbo isn't bad as an actor, but should have found another director. Will probably do well on the church basement tour. Not awful, but definitely lacking in many departments. Muddled movie trying to bring a message of faith at the expense of entertainment. Sorbo should have stuck to either being director or star. Have seen better on made for TV movies.
- dsmctyre-908-882920
- Oct 29, 2017
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Interesting and inspirational journey from atheism to belief and a faith inspired renewal of a marriage and reunification of a family. A fabulous idea for a world wide event that you will wish was a true story. Somewhat sad bittersweet ending. Great appearance by Sean Hannity.
The world needs hope and this movie provides it. For a Christian movie, this one is quite good. There were actually some plots twists that we weren't expecting.
If you want to be depressed this is the movie for you. The story was awful. If your dealing with death or sickness please pass on this. I was looking for something uplifting and this definitely wasn't it. I just wish there was one Christian movie out there that didn't make me feel worse about life.
- SpiritMechanic
- Nov 6, 2017
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Pure Christian propaganda. Nothing else. No entertainment to be had. Nothing of substance here. A completely empty yet simultaneously ridiculous work that was clearly created by an extreme, die-hard Christian. It perceives atheism the usual way a braindead religious fanatic depicts it, as some sort of evil, distasteful and aggressive group that hates god. An obvious delusion.
This is a complete and utter waste of time. Only watch this if you're completely brainless and spends most of your time shaking your stick at those "damn devil lovers!" and want a awful pile of excrement to reaffirm your increasingly irrational and ignorant belief with poorly thought out strawman arguments.
This is a complete and utter waste of time. Only watch this if you're completely brainless and spends most of your time shaking your stick at those "damn devil lovers!" and want a awful pile of excrement to reaffirm your increasingly irrational and ignorant belief with poorly thought out strawman arguments.
- matthewboyrulz
- Apr 2, 2018
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