67 reviews
I went to see a free screening of this after being urged by a friend who is vegan. I came up with every excuse to avoid watching it until I gave into peer pressure...
It's a gruelling 2 hours with no apologies made for its transparency. It'll rip you open and make you question your morals, beliefs and everything you were taught was normal in society. On the plus side, I've found vegan food isn't that bad after all!! Definitely recommend that everyone watch this, but it's not for the faint hearted.
- rebee-46873
- Jun 23, 2018
- Permalink
I went to see the film in a free event in my local city without knowing what it was about, the movie started and only ten minutes after I saw it my only impulse was to run away and forget what my eyes saw. I was with my girlfriend and she who is a vegetarian helped me to stay and see her completely. I have always thought that this type of vegan movements etc have some kind of fanaticism, but after seeing those images I can not simply deny reality, we live in a society that not only ignores but denies and rationalizes this horror story of which we are all participate I can not find any difference between what we are currently doing to the animals, with any nationalist or slavery regime of the past.
I deeply thank those who were part of this film, although it has very strong images, unfortunately it is the only way we can get out of this ignorance in which we live and start to change.
- estebantorres-88984
- Sep 1, 2018
- Permalink
This documentary will open your eyes to the truth about the 'food' you choose to eat. It explodes the myth of 'humane slaughter', show the reality of 'free range' and every day farm practices and animal agriculture in Australia, but common around the world, as well as some other practices that occur in other countries to bring us in the West, our 'creature comforts' like down pillows and fur coats.
The undercover footage that was bravely obtained by activists and painstakingly put together for this film, along with the drone footage, has some of the most moving and powerful scenes portraying the suffering and horror that is the life and death of farmed animals.
Especially if you still consume animal products, have the courage to watch this film and see if your choice to do so really stacks up as a good reason to do something that requires so much suffering, and creates so much waste, greenhouse gases and poor human health outcomes.
The undercover footage that was bravely obtained by activists and painstakingly put together for this film, along with the drone footage, has some of the most moving and powerful scenes portraying the suffering and horror that is the life and death of farmed animals.
Especially if you still consume animal products, have the courage to watch this film and see if your choice to do so really stacks up as a good reason to do something that requires so much suffering, and creates so much waste, greenhouse gases and poor human health outcomes.
This is the most important film you will ever watch. This documentary is a shocking expose of hidden violence behind our food system. Dozens of people had to step out of the theater where I saw it in San Francisco because they could not face the actual real-life footage of what happens behind the walls of animal farms and slaughterhouses. The filmmaker had his house raided by the Australian government and faced repeated threats for releasing this footage. This documentary is going to turn the world upside-down.
- julianneperry
- Jul 6, 2018
- Permalink
I'm a vegan activist and I've finally seen it last night. Gotta say even I was shocked learning some of the horrifying facts presented in the movie. It takes a lot of courage to watch through the entire movie and I cannot even fathom what an amount of courage and strength was required for the filmmakers and cameramen to infiltrate the industry of horror to obtain the footage. You guys are HEROES!
I know that a lot of vegans and vegan activists haven't seen the Earthlings and are reluctant to see Dominion, simply because they know it all and they think there is no need to scar their minds any further. But I firmly believe that watching the movie is the LEAST we could do. If it is hard for you seeing the movie, imagine how hard it is for the animals that have to live the nightmare. Use this movie to ignite the spark inside of you and join your local activist organization or start one yourself.
Until every cage is free. Go vegan.
I know that a lot of vegans and vegan activists haven't seen the Earthlings and are reluctant to see Dominion, simply because they know it all and they think there is no need to scar their minds any further. But I firmly believe that watching the movie is the LEAST we could do. If it is hard for you seeing the movie, imagine how hard it is for the animals that have to live the nightmare. Use this movie to ignite the spark inside of you and join your local activist organization or start one yourself.
Until every cage is free. Go vegan.
- battles_in_north
- Jul 22, 2018
- Permalink
This movie is very hard to watch for any conscious human being. For the first time in my life I wish a movie would not exist, not because it is bad but because it shows evil. Evil from humanity that tries to act with moral values but somehow accepts this.
I can't picture myself eating animal products again after watching this. Certain pictures just wont disappear and I don't even want to talk about them.
I can't picture myself eating animal products again after watching this. Certain pictures just wont disappear and I don't even want to talk about them.
- MovieNihilist
- Jun 6, 2019
- Permalink
This film opened my eyes far too wide to ever close them again. That evening I became fully vegan and have not looked back since. THANK YOU to those involved in making this, you're the heroes we all need.
- laurajwnoble
- Jul 29, 2022
- Permalink
I've seen a lot of horrible footage like these that we can see in this documentary before, but these are beyond imagination and it's an unbelievable compilation of human immorality and cruelty towards animals, itself, nature and earth.
It's a documentary that you can't watch easily, I almost not watched all of its scenes in detail. I just can't.
It's a wonder how we, as human beings can do such things on a global scale.
I always feel proud because I've decided to become a vegan years ago and now, I feel better than ever and I will not look back for even a second, but knowing that all the animals are still being exploited by human beings, is just disgusting and hard to take.
I hope everyone would change their mind about speciesism, animal cruelty and diet.
It's a documentary that you can't watch easily, I almost not watched all of its scenes in detail. I just can't.
It's a wonder how we, as human beings can do such things on a global scale.
I always feel proud because I've decided to become a vegan years ago and now, I feel better than ever and I will not look back for even a second, but knowing that all the animals are still being exploited by human beings, is just disgusting and hard to take.
I hope everyone would change their mind about speciesism, animal cruelty and diet.
'DOMINION': Five Stars (Out of Five)
The new Animal Rights documentary exposing the horrific truths of the animal agriculture industry. It was written and directed by Chris Delforce, who also performed both duties on the 2014 critically acclaimed Australian pig farming documentary 'LUCENT'. The movie is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix (who also famously narrated the 2005 Animal Rights documentary classic 'EARTHLINGS'), Rooney Mara, Sia, Sadie Sink, Katherine von Drachenberg and Delforce himself. I think the film is an absolute masterpiece, that needs to be seen by all!
Delforce and his crew use drones, and handheld cameras (including many hidden ones) to capture the horrors of the modern animal agriculture industry. He explores how different animals are used for food, entertainment, research and clothing, while also posing questions of the morality of using animals in these ways. The film also details how many different types of animals are abused in their own different unique ways, while Phoenix and others narrate this information. The title of course comes from humankind's belief that we have dominion over non-human animals.
The movie is extremely comprehensive and educational. For those who know very little about animal agriculture, this film should blow them away. I'd say it's even more thorough, in it's detailed information, than 'EARTHLINGS'. I don't think it's quite as classic as that all-time masterpiece though (in my opinion). It is just as hard to watch though, and emotionally shocking, so of course it'll be really hard to get non-vegans to watch it too. If they can be talked into it though, I think this movie could be groundbreaking in that movement. It's arguably one of the most important films ever made (in my opinion at least).
The new Animal Rights documentary exposing the horrific truths of the animal agriculture industry. It was written and directed by Chris Delforce, who also performed both duties on the 2014 critically acclaimed Australian pig farming documentary 'LUCENT'. The movie is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix (who also famously narrated the 2005 Animal Rights documentary classic 'EARTHLINGS'), Rooney Mara, Sia, Sadie Sink, Katherine von Drachenberg and Delforce himself. I think the film is an absolute masterpiece, that needs to be seen by all!
Delforce and his crew use drones, and handheld cameras (including many hidden ones) to capture the horrors of the modern animal agriculture industry. He explores how different animals are used for food, entertainment, research and clothing, while also posing questions of the morality of using animals in these ways. The film also details how many different types of animals are abused in their own different unique ways, while Phoenix and others narrate this information. The title of course comes from humankind's belief that we have dominion over non-human animals.
The movie is extremely comprehensive and educational. For those who know very little about animal agriculture, this film should blow them away. I'd say it's even more thorough, in it's detailed information, than 'EARTHLINGS'. I don't think it's quite as classic as that all-time masterpiece though (in my opinion). It is just as hard to watch though, and emotionally shocking, so of course it'll be really hard to get non-vegans to watch it too. If they can be talked into it though, I think this movie could be groundbreaking in that movement. It's arguably one of the most important films ever made (in my opinion at least).
It takes courage to stand up and say what needs to be said. I applaud everyone involved in the production of this film. The change begins within. Each one of us needs to re-evaluate what we accept and tolerate. That uniting process, when magnified and absorbed by large amounts of people, creates the shift. It starts with the individual and films like this allow the individual to find their power. Thank you.
- nightmarefactory
- Jul 18, 2018
- Permalink
I was one of those people who tried to distance myself from documentaries like this one. I was too afraid to face the cruel reality that had been going on "behind the scenes" for far too long.
One night I was searching IMDB for highly rated documentaries and decided to watch Dominion from beginning to end without facing away.
I always knew that animals were treated cruelly just because humans chose to use their "products." But I didn't know the insane level of absurdity to which it rose. I never imagined that the level of cruelty and horror would be so great.
Thanks to Dominion, I was finally able to free myself from the disconnect that had been inside me for so long. I have always praised myself for being an incredibly empathic and loving person, but supporting animal abuse is the exact opposite of that. Unfortunately, it took me 20 years to finally realize this, but thanks to Dominion, I finally was able to.
I recommend everyone watch the movie, even if it's hard. If you use animal products, you should at least know what is going on in their cruel lives and what tortures countless and innocent creatures have to suffer. Only after being aware of this, one is able to decide if one can still live with directly supporting animal cruelty.
It is important to overcome this detachment that is imposed on us by society. Because I believe that most of us are compassionate enough to stop the harm they cause directly.
One night I was searching IMDB for highly rated documentaries and decided to watch Dominion from beginning to end without facing away.
I always knew that animals were treated cruelly just because humans chose to use their "products." But I didn't know the insane level of absurdity to which it rose. I never imagined that the level of cruelty and horror would be so great.
Thanks to Dominion, I was finally able to free myself from the disconnect that had been inside me for so long. I have always praised myself for being an incredibly empathic and loving person, but supporting animal abuse is the exact opposite of that. Unfortunately, it took me 20 years to finally realize this, but thanks to Dominion, I finally was able to.
I recommend everyone watch the movie, even if it's hard. If you use animal products, you should at least know what is going on in their cruel lives and what tortures countless and innocent creatures have to suffer. Only after being aware of this, one is able to decide if one can still live with directly supporting animal cruelty.
It is important to overcome this detachment that is imposed on us by society. Because I believe that most of us are compassionate enough to stop the harm they cause directly.
- sylo-04580
- Sep 4, 2022
- Permalink
Like a couple other reviewers, I am surprised this movie is rated so high. People seem to rate the cause against animal cruelty, not a movie. The cause is noble and of primary importance, but the movie is very bad and, as noted by another reviewer, it is nothing but propaganda. Is propaganda about a good cause okay? I believe it is not.
Propaganda is manipulating the mind of people without giving them a chance to think. Propaganda always shows one side of reality. The far-right in the US will show only the footage of immigrants that do bad stuff. After two hours of such images, you'll be convinced that immigrants are bad people. They won't show you the kind immigrant with love-filled eyes and smile, who is leading a humble and fulfilling life. In the same way, what about all the small farmers worldwide that love their animals and treat them ethically? We are given statistics about animal in this documentary but how many of them are treated as badly as what we see? 99%? 50%? 1%? This would make a huge difference, like with immigrations. You can't show all the bad cases and make it look as if you are showing all there is. That's dishonest.
I am very happy if this movie made some people realize how bad animals are treated in the industry today, but I didn't need to watch it to know. This is like watching a two hour movie showing the awful torture sessions that took place in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. If you are a judge in a tribunal and need evidence, watching torture is indispensable to rest your case and punish those who committed atrocities but what good can it do for the general public to watch such awful images? You've got to be masochistic.
This documentary is worse than watching the archive footage from Nazi death camps because you "only" saw dead bodies in Auschwitz. Now imagine the crazy nazies had filmed thousand of hours of their killings and torture, would you watch it? I personally would watch ten minutes, cry my eyes out and turn it off. Viewing such cruelty is an act of cruelty by itself. When ISIS put videos of hostage beheading online, these videos were not shown on TV because they are too awful to show. Watching this documentary is like watching two hours of ISIS beheading and be horrified. Again, a few minutes is enough to understand. Watching more is sick.
A last and even more relevant example would be to film a woman being raped and show it to people while calmly explaining all the phases of the rape. Only sick people would watch it. My first action would be to call to the police and complain. If the police didn't do anything because the rapist is a wealthy man and they dare not intervene, I'd step up the action and go and knock off the man myself to make it stop. Filming the rape without intervention to get evidence of the crime would sound very strange. What did the people who collect these images do about it?
The people obviously guilty of animal cruelty in this movie should be charged the same day the footage was shot. Were they? If not, isn't that movie hypocritical? Isn't it like saying: "We didn't do anything but we'll show it to you and hope you'll do something about it. Please act."
I am not completely stupid and I understand that there is not much you can do while remaining lawful (unlawful action would be to physically confront the people and the owners and force them to stop), but I can't believe watching through two hours of purely barbaric images will do any good to anybody. As I said, watch ten minutes of it, puke, turn it off and go to the authorities to complain. These people are criminals and should be charged as such.
In France these images would automatically trigger an arrest and an investigation. There are still many cruelty cases against animal in the EU, with the blessing of governments for supposedly economic reasons, but things are changing and I believe there won't be any such place in a couple decades. I hope I am right. This documentary does not tell anything about what is going on in the courts and legislation.
Animal cruelty must stop. Watching this movie won't make it stop. It will make you sick, that's all. Now next time you go and buy meat, ask where it comes from. If they don't know, it comes from these places; don't buy it. But how many people will stop buying meat of unknown origin just because they watched this movie and rated it 10? Not many, I believe. Which makes it even more hypocritical.
Propaganda is manipulating the mind of people without giving them a chance to think. Propaganda always shows one side of reality. The far-right in the US will show only the footage of immigrants that do bad stuff. After two hours of such images, you'll be convinced that immigrants are bad people. They won't show you the kind immigrant with love-filled eyes and smile, who is leading a humble and fulfilling life. In the same way, what about all the small farmers worldwide that love their animals and treat them ethically? We are given statistics about animal in this documentary but how many of them are treated as badly as what we see? 99%? 50%? 1%? This would make a huge difference, like with immigrations. You can't show all the bad cases and make it look as if you are showing all there is. That's dishonest.
I am very happy if this movie made some people realize how bad animals are treated in the industry today, but I didn't need to watch it to know. This is like watching a two hour movie showing the awful torture sessions that took place in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. If you are a judge in a tribunal and need evidence, watching torture is indispensable to rest your case and punish those who committed atrocities but what good can it do for the general public to watch such awful images? You've got to be masochistic.
This documentary is worse than watching the archive footage from Nazi death camps because you "only" saw dead bodies in Auschwitz. Now imagine the crazy nazies had filmed thousand of hours of their killings and torture, would you watch it? I personally would watch ten minutes, cry my eyes out and turn it off. Viewing such cruelty is an act of cruelty by itself. When ISIS put videos of hostage beheading online, these videos were not shown on TV because they are too awful to show. Watching this documentary is like watching two hours of ISIS beheading and be horrified. Again, a few minutes is enough to understand. Watching more is sick.
A last and even more relevant example would be to film a woman being raped and show it to people while calmly explaining all the phases of the rape. Only sick people would watch it. My first action would be to call to the police and complain. If the police didn't do anything because the rapist is a wealthy man and they dare not intervene, I'd step up the action and go and knock off the man myself to make it stop. Filming the rape without intervention to get evidence of the crime would sound very strange. What did the people who collect these images do about it?
The people obviously guilty of animal cruelty in this movie should be charged the same day the footage was shot. Were they? If not, isn't that movie hypocritical? Isn't it like saying: "We didn't do anything but we'll show it to you and hope you'll do something about it. Please act."
I am not completely stupid and I understand that there is not much you can do while remaining lawful (unlawful action would be to physically confront the people and the owners and force them to stop), but I can't believe watching through two hours of purely barbaric images will do any good to anybody. As I said, watch ten minutes of it, puke, turn it off and go to the authorities to complain. These people are criminals and should be charged as such.
In France these images would automatically trigger an arrest and an investigation. There are still many cruelty cases against animal in the EU, with the blessing of governments for supposedly economic reasons, but things are changing and I believe there won't be any such place in a couple decades. I hope I am right. This documentary does not tell anything about what is going on in the courts and legislation.
Animal cruelty must stop. Watching this movie won't make it stop. It will make you sick, that's all. Now next time you go and buy meat, ask where it comes from. If they don't know, it comes from these places; don't buy it. But how many people will stop buying meat of unknown origin just because they watched this movie and rated it 10? Not many, I believe. Which makes it even more hypocritical.
I wouldn't recommend a film like Cannibal Holocaust, which contains scenes of animal mutilation, to anyone. Yet I think everyone on the planet should see Dominion. Consumer culture and corporate greed has reached a disgustin level that has robbed us of our humanity and left us all dooped- consistently wondering why happiness and contentment evades our daily lives while at the same time using status symbols and gluttony as band aids for our hoplessness.
I, like most of us, need to change how I eat and shop.
I, like most of us, need to change how I eat and shop.
- cjamesdueck
- Oct 14, 2020
- Permalink
Great production to show what people are paying for when they buy animal products.
Shocking. Couldn't watch the whole documentary. This really touches your heart and soul.
After the movie your life will never be the same again.
- lauriglasen
- Aug 14, 2018
- Permalink
I challenge anyone to watch this and still want to consume animal products. I am recently vegan after watching seaspiricy and cowspiracy and watched this to remind myself why in doing it. Honestly this documentary moved me to tears. I was physically sobbing. The abhorrent treatment of animals around the world to provide food for humans is disgusting! We should be truly disgusted with ourselves. People should be made to watch this and if they still eat meat then they have no soul!
"There is no kind and humane way to kill a being that doesn't want to die" let that sink in.
"There is no kind and humane way to kill a being that doesn't want to die" let that sink in.
- allieking-66295
- May 17, 2021
- Permalink
Lets not sugarcoat this, its a true horror story of the modern age without the relief of the fictional credit roll bloopers to remind you its all made up, because its not. This is reality, uncensored, and any ignorance and denial you may have before watching this will be quickly diminished. In this documentary, the curtains are pulled back and the tragedy is revealed thanks to the brave souls who were able to show us. The world needs to see this and theres no time to wait..
Some people call documentaries such as Dominion "vegan propaganda".
The definition of propaganda is essentially "lies and misleading info". I would challenge anyone to highlight even one piece of information in Dominion that is a lie or in any way misleading.
The fact is that non-human animals (that humans exploit) are the most oppressed beings on Earth. Several trillion animals are killed and exploited (against their will) every year, all of which are entirely unnecessary in our modern world in which we have access to over 20,000 edible plants between which all essential nutrients are bio-available.
If we don't need to hurt and kill animals to live healthy long lives, then why do it?
The definition of propaganda is essentially "lies and misleading info". I would challenge anyone to highlight even one piece of information in Dominion that is a lie or in any way misleading.
The fact is that non-human animals (that humans exploit) are the most oppressed beings on Earth. Several trillion animals are killed and exploited (against their will) every year, all of which are entirely unnecessary in our modern world in which we have access to over 20,000 edible plants between which all essential nutrients are bio-available.
If we don't need to hurt and kill animals to live healthy long lives, then why do it?
- numenorsniper-66396
- Jan 30, 2021
- Permalink
It became too upsetting to watch this, and it elicited such a visceral response in me that I couldn't finish it. I do eat plant based, for health reasons. But, even if that wasn't the case, I could not, after watching only the first fifteen minutes of this film, eat another animal and still consider myself human, someone with a conscience. It raises so many questions. The biggest question I have is what could turn someone into the type of monster it takes to even "work" in these facilities, to participate in the infliction of such torture on another living creature?
I will be finishing the movie because I think it's necessary to see. I will be telling everyone I know to see it. But, it's very hard sit through. The ten stars is because of Dominion's monumental importance and masterful straightforwardness. I have a feeling it will change many lives, human and animal, for the better.
I will be finishing the movie because I think it's necessary to see. I will be telling everyone I know to see it. But, it's very hard sit through. The ten stars is because of Dominion's monumental importance and masterful straightforwardness. I have a feeling it will change many lives, human and animal, for the better.
- c_luttrell-485-182281
- Nov 27, 2022
- Permalink
What we do to animals are a disgrace to humanity. Just watch what happens every single day to millions of them! As somebody said "if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be vegetarian"...
- papakaloduke
- May 5, 2019
- Permalink
It's not about right or wrong, it's not about veganism, it's about sustainability of practices that harm us beyond sickness and increased mortality. The over exploitation of land and animals for profit clearly has gotten out of hand with vast impact for ethics, the ability for big corporations to lie, politics cover up, environmental catastrophes, species eradication and so on and on.
The film captures aspects of animal farming that no one wants to see or imagine, but since it affects us directly, it is important to be informed and have the ability to choose either to support this or decide to put an end to it. With informative scenario and the power of pictures the film shocks you deeply unless you are in this industry and chose to ignore the rest of the world.
It's real, it's a thriller running every day.
Be informed, lead by example.
This documentary was hard to watch at the time but I am very thankful I sat through it. I feel better for knowing the truth, as like a lot of people I consider myself an animal lover. Now I am able to live in line with my morals. I expected going vegan would be difficult & that my health would be sacrificed. I was wrong, I am happier & healthier as a vegan. This isn't a change I expected I would ever make but I am very thankful I did. If you're considering watching this documentary I strongly encourage you too!
There are a variety of reasons to endure this film. Namely, because it is the truth of what we all choose to partake in, vegan or otherwise, we are part of a society that currently deems these activities to be normal. Yes it is painful and traumatic to see these practices, yes it is challenging to own our support of these practices. BUT, if we are to choose what kind of person we are we need to ALL see what we are part of, and make an informed decision. Whether or not we like it, we are constantly choosing who we want to be and watching this film is a fundamental tool for all of us to do so. There are reasons aside from entertainment for us to watch films, vegans, vegetarians and everyone else should watch this film.
- kcatelotti
- May 14, 2019
- Permalink
I don't eat farm animals and I know I still can't watch it. I don't know if that's superficial. I don't know what that is. I stopped eating pigs, cows, and chickens after seeing a short scene in a documentary that touched me deeply. What got to me was the soulessness of the people "processing" the animals. They loss a will to be affected by what they were seeing. I want nothing to do with the mass murder of the lives of farm animals. We care so much about pets, but treat a cow worse than they do dogs in Korea.
I know that people, as a whole will not stop the inhumane treatment until we have proper regulations. Just asking people to be vegan isn't going to do it (just look at how asking people to wear masks worked). The treatment is sick. It's not something we don't know about. It's something we don't want to talk about.
I know that people, as a whole will not stop the inhumane treatment until we have proper regulations. Just asking people to be vegan isn't going to do it (just look at how asking people to wear masks worked). The treatment is sick. It's not something we don't know about. It's something we don't want to talk about.
The torture our friends go through every hour of every day is unbelievable. To those saying there are small farms out there that don't treat their animals like this... they are a very small minority. If you eat supermarket and takeout meat, you are contributing to this abuse. It is unfortunate that we have been tricked and blinded, but we all have the ability to make better choices. This film made me vegan.