46 reviews
I liked the first scene featuring the witch and the curse but after that the movie took too much time with introduction and filler story and never recovering from that - the script definitely misses a feel for pace and momentum. What else? The Accursed got a solid B-movie production and acting but the level on the horror-o-meter is rather low, nothing remarkable here: the many pleasures of the real art of horror this is not, the Holy Grail you must find on another place - everything feels overly familiar and executed rather half-hearted. Anyway, The Accursed may find more approval by an audience that is satisfied by a pretty standard horror production or that is just beginning to explore the wonders of the art of the many horrors.
- Tweetienator
- Oct 19, 2022
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An incredibly boring 2021 horror movie. Despite being American made, the characters are of Balkan origin. The movie is about revenge and witchcraft. But it gives the impression that they are playing a game beyond a serious scenario. Really boring and unnecessarily long. I swear I could finish it in 3 days even fast forward.
- olcayozfirat
- Mar 5, 2022
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A lot of nine and ten star reviews for this one, especially the first reviews. You get it by now. Those are written by people involved in the movie or by people that know somebody involved in the movie. All reviews from people that never reviewed another movie before and that will probably never will review another movie again unless the director decides to give it another shot in the future. If I was the director I would just keep it at this one and try to find another job because it's not good. Very weak directing, mediocre actors (and I'm being gentle here) and a story that is more laughable than enjoyable. Every ten minutes or so they see something suspicious and of course there's a remedy for it. For example a bird flies into a window, let's get some salt at the door entrance. I was waiting for a radish drenched in garlic sauce at one point, you can't imagine how bad the script was. I was annoyed for the entire movie, not only because of the incredible dull script but also the acting of some really bad actors. Don't waste your time on this one, it's been all done before and way better, even though that's not difficult to do.
- deloudelouvain
- Nov 26, 2021
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Who in the world thought this movie was ready for release? Who is responsible for casting? Who wrote this crap? Painful to watch. Even for free. Just brutal. Hard pass.
Total waste of time. I don't recommend it. Acting is so bad and fake that i needed to skip to the end. If you have time to waste this is for you. Bad MOVIE.
- FinalFrontier96
- Nov 16, 2021
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Ok, no bs review. I paid 6 bucks to rent this on prime and I shut it off 10 mins In to avoid wasting money on the electricity it would take to play this trash movie.
And most of those ten minutes I spent trying to peice together who is who based off a 2 min first person intro, like no explanation, just this chick caught someone cheating and died mid curse, who was she and who is cheating on who to make her so mad? Idk but here, just watch 22 years later at a wedding...garbage!
And most of those ten minutes I spent trying to peice together who is who based off a 2 min first person intro, like no explanation, just this chick caught someone cheating and died mid curse, who was she and who is cheating on who to make her so mad? Idk but here, just watch 22 years later at a wedding...garbage!
- gustavoortegajr
- Nov 20, 2021
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I gave the film a 1. Like others said, so. So bad. But I gave it another 1 for Yancy Butler. I have loved her ever since The Ex. Too bad she's not in a better film.
- rollmftide
- Feb 1, 2022
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This movie was obviously thrown together. Hot mess with no ability to follow as it jumps around. Seems like scenes were cut. Not edited well. Acting is terrible!
- deannacates2012
- Jul 2, 2022
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It's not a jumpy horror, it's a slow burn, building up the story based on previous events.
More of a horror drama.
I loved it & will be watching more of the Director's films.
More of a horror drama.
I loved it & will be watching more of the Director's films.
- keirondarbyshire
- Dec 25, 2021
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Scariest bit was the last two seconds of the movie. Everything else seemed like someone came up with a loose plot, threw a bunch of actors in there, and said "figure it out."
I ended up loving it. It's a small production and not from a big studio and it shows. But it's okay. There are great performances particularly from Izabela Vidovic and Maiara Walsh and some really well done scenes that truly make use of shadows and light and slow pacing. The story is not as tight as I would wish but it ended on a very strong and creepy note. I refuse to ever judge the first release from a fledgling production company too harshly so I won't. That said, this show some real creativity and originality. Do not be so hasty to judge this film negatively. I was creeped out and by the end even had some scares. I enjoyed it a lot.
- tomclements-1
- Nov 13, 2021
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Not half bad this one. The world's most unfriendly family accepts a new bride into the mix at her wedding, which is at their family home, except that nobody was supposed to be allowed onto that land. Ever. This is a clan headed by three witches. One is dead and one is cursed. The family is from the Balkans and came to the USA because they were shunned for being witchy. Now they can practice their faith in peace, but not in public; they still hide. This is a dark flick. It's moody and visually dark. The women run the show.
- killercharm
- Jan 8, 2022
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The title looks a bit promising to me. Not gonna lie but the premise of the story did make me curious and so I take my chances and watch this crap. Hope to get some good jumpscares from this movie. But no. A big no.
A small production movie and it shows. From the casting, acting, directing, and the script - I refuse to believe this such a movie is allowed to exist. Am I too harsh? But the good news is, it's definitely made it to list of so many bad movie I have ever watch. What a mess. Laughable. Ridiculous. Brutal. Painful to watch. Now you name it all, you can see the point now. I'm loss for words. Do not wasting your time for this.
A small production movie and it shows. From the casting, acting, directing, and the script - I refuse to believe this such a movie is allowed to exist. Am I too harsh? But the good news is, it's definitely made it to list of so many bad movie I have ever watch. What a mess. Laughable. Ridiculous. Brutal. Painful to watch. Now you name it all, you can see the point now. I'm loss for words. Do not wasting your time for this.
It was a bit creepy, I didn't find the actresses believable as immigrants, story was kinda interesting regarding the high price of Betrayal. But could have been done alot better. Had a few creepy scenes. Meh....
- midnitepantera
- Nov 13, 2021
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This movie is so terrible it couldn't make it 15 mins without mentioning how much better woman are than men. Do not waste your time unless you spend too much time on twitter and well I guess this is for you very few lunatics.
- PeacepiperF20
- Jun 30, 2022
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Can't decide which era to place your movie? Don't! There's a whole new trend of audience confusion that'll make you the Shamalan of the next decade!
From casting, to writing, to directing, i couldn't get past 15 min. And I'm an avid movie watcher. I enjoy lots of B low budget films. This made me cringe.
But definitely not the worst I've ever watched. So...3.
From casting, to writing, to directing, i couldn't get past 15 min. And I'm an avid movie watcher. I enjoy lots of B low budget films. This made me cringe.
But definitely not the worst I've ever watched. So...3.
- Golightly678
- Jul 11, 2022
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Even hot gypsies couldn't save this movie. I'm not real picky as long as I'm entertained. This movie was really poorly made , it's rare when I can't finish a movie but this one was too boring.
- Reladamjod
- Jul 12, 2022
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Well it wasn't that special of a movie nothing I haven't seen before but it was kinda enjoyable if you have nothing better to do and for a low budget film it's nice but it could have a better acting and better ending.
- marinaant-36217
- Nov 17, 2021
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Said family has a curse on them, leaving many options unavailable to them. Until one person decides that they can do something anyway. Unfortunate choices, bad intentions, and stubbornness then create a dilemma as the curse appears to progress. This occurs inside of a family I'm assuming is of Eastern European heritage, and this family is steeped in tradition, folklore, folk medicine, etc. The focus of the film is small in nature: the wedding, the family, the curse. The acting is decent, and plotting has good pacing. This allowed me to engage with the characters and understand the story and the curse more clearly. I appreciated this aspect of the film that it didn't try to hide or obscufate solely for plotting or suspense. Decent film for what it is.
- jmbovan-47-160173
- Oct 3, 2022
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"The Accursed" is one of many movies about something evil haunting a family and getting released. In fact, 2021 also saw the release of a movie called "The Cursed", about a Roma woman who puts a curse on an estate after a sadistic land baron kills her people.
Anyway, this movie is nothing special. Jump scares and some CGI. One thing that irritated me was when a document showed the word "enemies" (plural of enemy) where it should've been "enemy's" (belonging to an enemy). Using those words interchangeably reinforces ignorance. I don't care if that makes me a prescriptivist, grammar exists for a reason.
Anyway, okay not great.
Anyway, this movie is nothing special. Jump scares and some CGI. One thing that irritated me was when a document showed the word "enemies" (plural of enemy) where it should've been "enemy's" (belonging to an enemy). Using those words interchangeably reinforces ignorance. I don't care if that makes me a prescriptivist, grammar exists for a reason.
Anyway, okay not great.
- lee_eisenberg
- Sep 27, 2022
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I love atmospheric horror films like Eggers' The Witch and Aster's Hereditary, and this is right in there with those classic movies. I was immediately drawn into these characters and their world. The folklore behind the story enriched the experience and gave the film a unique element that made it stand out from every other horror film. This isn't a jump scare film, it's a layered tale that grows on you as you're watching and becomes creepier with each frame. All of the main cast was excellent, the standout for me being the young Izabela Vidovic. Every choice she made gave me a grin, because it was deliciously devious. What a great first feature for the directors Kathryn Michelle and Elizabeta Vidovic! Can't wait to see what's next for all involved!
- scoobdoonla
- Nov 13, 2021
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I'm not sure what the hate is for this movie. It's definitely not near as bad as the review say. I'm not going to act like it was Oscar worthy or should get any rewards but I definitely enjoyed my time with it. If you enjoy old world witch movies this is a good one to give a shot. The acting was good, the plot was pretty good to me also. I wouldn't expect it to be scary or anything, it wasn't super creepy or jump scare or anything to me but I just liked it for the story it told I guess. I also enjoyed the culture aspect of it, but maybe it was off, I don't know much about Balkan culture so if it was wrong and offensive my bad. Either way though I thought it was a decent movie. Ending was a little eh but I think if they extended it any longer it would have been awful. Give it a shot.
- metallisktispe595
- Dec 17, 2023
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- saint_brett
- Jul 22, 2022
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Come for the promise of some Eastern European feminist witchcraft, end up staying for some middling pseudo-70s atmosphere.
The Accursed is boring and the presentation of magic and mysticism is the kind of thing you'd find in old children's books not adult horror films. The mix of Practical Magic style goofiness with a murderous family curse make for strange and ultimately incompatible bedfellows.
I don't hate this movie as much as some reviewers because the aesthetic is okay and the acting is decent for people handed a script that contains fairy tale spells and animate, sentient creeping vines.
The Accursed is boring and the presentation of magic and mysticism is the kind of thing you'd find in old children's books not adult horror films. The mix of Practical Magic style goofiness with a murderous family curse make for strange and ultimately incompatible bedfellows.
I don't hate this movie as much as some reviewers because the aesthetic is okay and the acting is decent for people handed a script that contains fairy tale spells and animate, sentient creeping vines.
- thalassafischer
- Apr 7, 2024
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I saw a lot of potential with this one and something special lying underneath. However, some low budget aspects and lack of finesse stopped it from getting all the way there. Now, a low budget indi does not a bad movie make. However, there were just certain things as far as the quality that were lacking.
One thing that drove me a little crazy aesthetically was the color grading, it was poor and washed out. The script was... fine... nothing special. Which was a little unfortunate because I thought the actual plot and play by play throughout was actually quite good, clever and intriguing. I think with a better script that could have really been highlighted even more and have been much less convoluted and even more engaging... because it really did have something cool to it.
The acting was really hit or miss for me. Everyone had relatable, down to earth moments, and then the next moment their performance was stilted and unbelievable. I would say the best out of the bunch was probably the mother. The son did a decent job too.
Again, overall I think they had I cool concept on their hands... and with a little more finesse, better dialogue and some reworking with the cast I think they could have had something really solid. I give this a 5.5 but can't quite bring myself to round up. Would recommend if you have a love for indi cinema. Do not go into this expecting a high budget blockbuster... appreciate it for what it is.
One thing that drove me a little crazy aesthetically was the color grading, it was poor and washed out. The script was... fine... nothing special. Which was a little unfortunate because I thought the actual plot and play by play throughout was actually quite good, clever and intriguing. I think with a better script that could have really been highlighted even more and have been much less convoluted and even more engaging... because it really did have something cool to it.
The acting was really hit or miss for me. Everyone had relatable, down to earth moments, and then the next moment their performance was stilted and unbelievable. I would say the best out of the bunch was probably the mother. The son did a decent job too.
Again, overall I think they had I cool concept on their hands... and with a little more finesse, better dialogue and some reworking with the cast I think they could have had something really solid. I give this a 5.5 but can't quite bring myself to round up. Would recommend if you have a love for indi cinema. Do not go into this expecting a high budget blockbuster... appreciate it for what it is.
- Howling_at_the_Moon_Reviews
- Oct 18, 2022
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