I'm past episode 8, and an exciting, well done visual copy of the book has turned into soap opera, where everybody keeps talking to each other and hardly anything happens. In season 2, things pick up again. I started reading the book again, and the TV series does seem to do a good job, so far, in staying with the story in the book. It's hard to capture on screen what words can convey. But in place of good writing, there's good scenery and background (we see better than we understand through words). I also have to admit that the movie is aimed at a different audience than the book (watchers instead of readers). So I'll keep on watching. The overall story is interesting and clever, and of course the acting is fine. I've learned that the author has another series of books, Dust, which helps me stay with the story, knowing that the end is not the end. I'll end with a secret: clicking on the response to "Does this review contain spoilers?" may stop the admonition that 600 words (or was it letters) haven't been written.