"The Meaningful Life of Art and Henry" is a black comedy about Art, a reclusive alcoholic widower who befriends his unusual neighbor Henry, a recently fired curator of the Puppet Museum who finds out his abusive wife is cheating on him with a mentally challenged vision board artist. Each of them are struggling with the blows of life and the meaningless day to day existence of modern suburbia. Art lost his beloved son in car accident and now recently his cat "Hannibal" was found dead and delivered frozen by Henry who explained that he "left the earthly realm". Henry, because of anger management issues, is dealing with the regret of causing the destruction of the Jim Henson collection, even more he is kicked out by his wife while her "special" lover Percival moves in. Luckily Art lets Henry move in and they decide it's time to start changing and make life worth living again.
—Edward Reid