12 of 14 found this to have none
Some cleavage.
8 of 16 found this mild
Buildings being destroyed, car crashes, chases, etc, happen throughout this series.
There is a lot of satire disaster comedic strong slapstick violence throughout the TV Show.
This cartoon contains a lot of disastrous moments since it's based upon the epigram; "Murphy's Law" which means: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". However, no characters are shown to suffer more than minor injuries and it's typically played as an element that makes life more exciting.
10 of 14 found this to have none
In one episode a character says assuming makes "a bull's lunch out of you and me", a reference to a vulgar saying about assuming.
11 of 13 found this to have none
7 of 13 found this mild
Characters are constantly put in serious danger, but they always come out fine.