Our story focuses on a 23 year old woman, Filmmaker Sarah Angelini, and her journey towards healing herself of Endometriosis. Mid-2014 Sarah was diagnosed with the "invisible" disease that n... Read allOur story focuses on a 23 year old woman, Filmmaker Sarah Angelini, and her journey towards healing herself of Endometriosis. Mid-2014 Sarah was diagnosed with the "invisible" disease that nearly 176 million women worldwide suffer from, that is 1 in 10 of all women. After a year ... Read allOur story focuses on a 23 year old woman, Filmmaker Sarah Angelini, and her journey towards healing herself of Endometriosis. Mid-2014 Sarah was diagnosed with the "invisible" disease that nearly 176 million women worldwide suffer from, that is 1 in 10 of all women. After a year and half battle Sarah decided it was time to begin a journey in search for a cure to rid a... Read all