Although the film is set in 'The Rainy City' of Manchester, throughout filming, the crew managed to avoid all showers and storms. Although rain would have provided great visuals it just wouldn't have been practical for such a low budget shoot.
The initial concept for Ends Meat was pitched by writer Kris Heys to director Helen Lyons-Curran approximately fifteen years prior to it going into production. The inspiration had come from a dodgy taxi ride home one night. With neither Kris nor Helen having the experience at the time, the concept was shelved and almost forgotten about until 2015.
The two leads; Mark Vanhendrijk and Christopher Faith were Helen's initial choices for the roles of Pete and Kevin. Helen had produced a film starring Mark a few years prior to Ends Meat, and had known Christopher Faith through industry connections. Although Mark and Christopher hadn't met prior to their audition, they immediately bounced off each other as if they'd been friends for years, just as the two characters in the film have been.