Drama Go! Go! Go! is a sweet romantic comedy that centers on the life of Wang Ming Ming (Ruby Lin), a 30-year-old scriptwriter who gets involved with three men of different ages. Wang Ming M... Read allDrama Go! Go! Go! is a sweet romantic comedy that centers on the life of Wang Ming Ming (Ruby Lin), a 30-year-old scriptwriter who gets involved with three men of different ages. Wang Ming Ming finds herself crushing on a "has been" idol named Eason (Jiro Wang) and decides to cas... Read allDrama Go! Go! Go! is a sweet romantic comedy that centers on the life of Wang Ming Ming (Ruby Lin), a 30-year-old scriptwriter who gets involved with three men of different ages. Wang Ming Ming finds herself crushing on a "has been" idol named Eason (Jiro Wang) and decides to cast him in the lead role of her drama. It quickly becomes apparent that Eason's acting abili... Read all