10 of 15 found this mild
There is some mild sexual content in the fifth and final part, including footage of OJ at strip clubs, and one brief shot of OJ surrounded by topless women (only lasts a couple of seconds)
18 of 18 found this severe
Part 2 covers racial crimes, tension, and riots. It features historical images of lynched African Americans, a good deal of footage of the Rodney King beating, and some footage of beatings and destruction from the LA riots after the Rodney King trial verdict. It's quite disturbing to watch in parts.
Crime scene photos are seen briefly in parts 3 and 5, although they're brief and not too graphic. Mostly photos of blood on various objects, and one showing the body of Nicole Brown from behind in part 5.
Part 4 contains the most disturbing violent material, as it includes extremely graphic photographs of the bodies of both murder victims. The severe wound inflicted on Nicole Brown's throat is shown and it's very confronting, as well as uncensored on all copies except for the version that first aired on ESPN.
Part 3 includes details of domestic abuse committed against Nicole Brown by OJ Simpson, which is very confronting. We hear 911 calls to the police that feature OJ screaming in the background, as well as photographs of Nicole's heavily bruised face.
8 of 12 found this moderate
Some uncensored profanity, mostly in the course of the various interviews.
There are also numerous racial slurs used throughout the documentary, both by African-American and non African-American interviewees, as well as in archival audio recordings.
8 of 11 found this moderate
12 of 13 found this severe
No matter how you feel about OJ and the topics that this film deals with, you will likely find something confronting, heartbreaking, or intensely thought-provoking in this documentary. Therefore viewers should know that they are not getting into something comfortable- or something with easy answers- before starting this lengthy documentary.