Sword Master is a martial arts action movie directed by Derek Yee and stars Lin Gengxin, Peter Ho, Jiang Yiyan and Jiang Mengjie.
A skilled swordsman who is haunted by his past leaves his deadly skills and starts living simple life. The movie is a cocktail of emotions, romance, revenge and finally redemption.
To be honest I am little perplexed about this movie as the movie has elements to entertain but on the other side the uneven pace also deviates from it's path. The action of the movie is praiseworthy but too much use of CGI results in lack of originality.
Acting is decent and Peter Ho was the most impressive of them all in the role of Yen Shin-San, he is funny as well as brutal. Lin Gengxin is impressive but is almost similar throughout the movie apart from his very few romantic scenes, he also didn't looks impressive in action scenes, Jiang Yiyan is superb and Jiang Mengjie also looked good.
Screenplay as mentioned above is uneven it's is going very fast and all of sudden it's gets very slow. Action and stunts are great but too much use of CGI works as a spoiler. Climax of the movie is predictable but decent.
Overall this is a decent action movie and can be watched once, the lovers of Martial Arts action movie will enjoy this movie.