While some might think that this installment of "Star Trek Continues" is a bit preachy and indicative of our times, it must be remembered that the original show did NOT shy away from cultural issues such as racism. So, the fact that this is a strongly feminist episode seems appropriate considering the pedigree.
When the show begins, Kirk and Spock are meeting with Commodore Gray (Erin Gray of "Buck Rogers" fame). It seems that there was an accident with the life support system on the Hood*....and the entire crew is dead. Because of that they need a new crew and commander...and she wants Spock for that job. However, a woman who also seems very qualified objects and demands a hearing--saying that although women are in Star Fleet, command of a Constitution-class ship has always eluded them. Kirk, surprisingly, seems very sympathetic...even a feminist. Not QUITE the same Kirk of the original series fame, huh?
While this episode DID still feel a bit preachy, it was enjoyable and had a good point to make. While you see female commanders often in series such as "Star Trek the Next Generation" and "Star Trek Voyager", in the original series universe, you did rarely see women in charge.
The ending was interesting, as many ways it reminded me of the Kobayashi Maru scenario in which Kirk somehow avoids making a forced choice...and in this case, a miracle happened to save him once again from having to make the choice between Spock and the lady Commander. Worth seeing.
*If you care, the HMS Hood was a very famous British cruiser sunk by the German battleship Bismarck during WWII...and nearly every crew member perished in the incident. Of the more than 1300 crew members, only three managed to escape.