To bad I can't say the same about the rest. I should have saw it coming, especially since the cat gets a real close up shot of its face. Don't know why? Maybe trying to telegraph wants coming, but I was waiting for that dada music. And this film does that a lot. There's nothing subtle in how it telegraphs what's coming. There's even a laughable sequence obviously trying to set-up red hearings. The camera pans around the room with everyone having that suspicious look on their faces. You know, *that look*.
Still, you'd be constantly asking yourself; "What's going on here"?! This was pure basket case. It just didn't know what it wanted to be. I thought I was getting a spooky haunted mansion film... there are supernatural moments, but in the end it's never expanded and becomes redundant to everything else going on. It's like they forget all about that mysterious angle with those moments only there to insert meaningless jump scares. Or maybe to make us think the leading lady had lost her marbles, despite not really developing on it. For the majority of its time, it's a lousy, shallow, overcooked and convoluted dramatic thriller involving the kidnapping of a young girl. The screenplay seems to throw around ideas without convincingly connecting them together and then it gives you a rather cop-out final reveal. Nothing makes sense. Be careful your head might implode trying to make sense of it. Also don't let that tempting poster artwork mislead you either.