Get Out Directed by Jordan Peele is a horror film which begins with quite a unique story, surrounding an African American man meeting his girlfriend's Caucasian family. The first two acts of the film contain scenes which build so much tension. The start of this movie had me so invested due to how much was unknown. I really built strong curiosity surrounding why things seemed very off. All the performances were great, particularly the main character who was incredibly convincing with all his emotion. Also the cinematography was very nice, containing scenes which are one long take with no cuts. As for negatives there are quite a few. The tone of this film is very messy. I wished the horror really got under my skin. Although it was as if there were constant intermissions with cliche comedic relief. To me this broke all the tension, and really made me question the type of film I was watching. There are also quite a few plot holes, and scenes which really don't have any purpose besides trying to freak out the audience. Once the film reaches the third act, I was really let down by the direction they took. I was expecting a smart and unique revelation. But all I got was a standard messed up horror movie "twist". I think all the positive reviews made my expectations skyrocket. I really thought this movie would be insanely smart, but honestly it's really not that special. It didn't impact me the way other great horror and thriller films have. It's a solid and enjoyable film. But it's far from groundbreaking, so therefore I give Get Out a 6. I feel like many will disagree with my rating. If you think you can convince me as to why it is great go ahead. One thing I still don't see is why African Americans were targeted in the film. When it was asked the question was just brushed off...